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VP Player launched on Product Hunt

vp player prodcut hunt launch day
We launched our very first gjirafatech product on Product Hunt and we learned a lot about the Platform. With this sweet introduction we made our opening Statement: VP Player is a powerful video player that features video streaming, live streaming, and content monetization options. We also offer VP Apps which enable the creation of a complete platform with custom branding and customizable features.
Although we prepared for the launch and engaged all our networks and clients and partners, we had to see our votes being removed in bulks of hundreds after having reached first place for a longer period. We fought back by reaching out to more friends and clients and unfortunately we couldn't stop the removal of votes.
Completely flabbergasted we tried to understand this weird world of Product Hunt and its Hunters and Makers. Product Hunt seems to be a great tool for B2C businesses but turned out to be more difficult for B2B companies. And even though we fell back in the ranking, we managed to get many Demo requests during our launch and saw our product being highlighted on the pages of other solutions like JW Player.

Furthermore, we celebrated many wins such as an Upvote of the founder of Udemy! This is something we consider a very great success. It means all these months and years of coding, and working hours and hours each week seem to be paying off. People actually like our product. The many positive comments also motivated the team. Even though we took a hard blow with the vote removal by Product Hunt. Our team had its first big feedback and celebration by external, neutral, and independent sources.
All in all, no matter how this day ends, product hunt has been a success for the VP Player team!
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