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POST Video


The following table contains important information about the POST method in regards to the encode process.

POST Method
URL or Endpoint/api/projects/projectId/encodes
BodydownloadUrl, callBackUrl, enableDuplicateCheck, title, author

The description of the URL parameter is as follows:

projectId Parameter
URL Parameter NameprojectId
DescriptionUnique Id of the project.

Request Body

"downloadUrl": "downloadUrl",
"callBackUrl": "callBackUrl",
"enableDuplicateCheck": true,
"title": "string",
"author": "string"

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeDescription
downloadUrlYesstringThe URL of the video that will be encoded.
callBackUrlYesstringURL that will be called when encoding is finished.
enableDuplicateCheckNobooleanDetermines whether duplicate videos should be disallowed.
titleNostringTitle of the video.
authorNostringAuthor of the video.

If the "enableDuplicateCheck" field is set to true, the system will check for existing videos with the same content and prevent them from being uploaded again. If set to false or omitted, duplicates will be allowed.

Important: This field should be enabled for both the initial video upload and any subsequent uploads. If not enabled initially, the system will not perform the duplicate check, and duplicates will be allowed, even if the content is the same.


"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result": {
"name": "name",
"resultInfo": null,
"statusCode": 200

Information about the fields that appear when you receive the response are displayed in the table below.

Field NameTypeDescription
successboolIf the response is successful it will return true. Otherwise will return false.
errorsarray[string]Indicates if there was an error.
messagesarray[string]Returns the response message from back-end.
resultarray[Object]Returns the response object.
namestringReturns the unique name of the encoded video.
originalFilestringReturns the original file of the video.
resultInfostringReturns extra information about the result.
statusCodeinteger($int32)Returns the HTTP Status Code.

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 or 201 response.


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code 400: Bad Request

  • HTTP Status Code 401: Unauthorized

  • HTTP Status Code 403: Forbidden

  • HTTP Status Code 404: Result Not Found

  • HTTP Status Code 500: Internal Server Error

  • HTTP Status Code 503: Backend Fetch Failed

On-the-Fly packager (OTFP) Functionality

As part of the video uploading process, OTFP provides temporary playback for videos immediately after uploading begins. This feature is subject to the following key considerations:

  • Upon upload, you can retrieve a playbackUrl from the assets endpoint path for instant video access. This playbackUrl can also be received through the video encode submit event stream URL property.
  • The playbackUrl is only valid for 24 hours after uploading completes and should not be stored for long-term use.
  • A callback is triggered to your callBackUrl once encoding finishes, providing permanent video details.
  • The OTFP functionality is disabled 24 hours after encoding is completed, preventing further access to the video through previously generated links.

We provide immediate playback of a video during its encoding process. If an encoded video becomes unplayable with an error such as status 573, it may indicate that the OTFP (On-the-Fly Packaging) period has expired. For more information, refer to the OTFP Feature Details.