In order to set up the audio player, you need to include the audio player script below in your page’s HTML.
<script src=””></script>
In order to initiate the player you need to create a new instance of the vpAudioPlayer object, as well as assign the required parameters. The audio player accepts a configuration parameter and the Id of the div where the player will be inserted.
<div id="audio-player"></div>
// The only required config is the audio file
let config = {
audio: {
file: '{.mp3}',
// If you want to add a custom config, it should look something like this
let defaultConfig = {
audio: {
audioId: '',
file: '',
thumbnail: '',
title: '',
description: '',
additionalDesc: '',
playlist: {
state: false,
includeInitialAudio: false,
playlistId: '',
audios: [],
config: {
displayInfo: false,
collapsible: false,
backgroundColor: '',
borders: {
generalColor: 'black',
generalWidth: '0px',
top: {
width: '',
color: '',
bottom: {
width: '',
color: '',
left: {
width: '',
color: '',
right: {
width: '',
color: '',
controls: {
generalColor: 'black',
playbackButton: {
color: '',
volumeButton: {
color: '',
skipButtons: {
color: '',
timeToSkip: 15,
timeInfo: {
color: '',
playbackSpeed: {
color: '',
slider: {
barColor: '',
progressBarColor: '',
draggerColor: '',
// These are all the configurable options
// This is how you initiate the audio player instance