POST Player
The following table contains important information about the POST
method in regards to creating a new player.
POST Player | |
Method | POST |
URL or Endpoint | /api/projects/projectId /players |
Headers | Authorization |
Parameters | projectId, api-version |
Body | Check request body below |
The description of the URL parameter is as follows:
URL Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
projectId | No | string | Unique Id of the project. |
api-version | No | string | The correct api version to use. |
Request Body
"name": "string",
"loopContent": true,
"muteOnStart": true,
"floatOnScroll": true,
"autoPauseWhenNotViewable": true,
"enablePlayBackRateControls": true,
"sharing": true,
"casting": true,
"googleAnalytics": true,
"includeCompatibilityScript": true,
"showContentTitle": true,
"showContentDescription": true,
"showControls": true,
"recommendation": true,
"playlistId": 0,
"advertising": true,
"showControlsOnVPAID": true,
"outstreamPlayer": true,
"dispAdverisementAbove": true,
"autoCollapseAfterAds": true,
"preloadAds": true,
"companionAds": true,
"playAdsMuted": true,
"keepVisibleWhenControlsHidden": true,
"debug": true,
"theaterButton": true,
"chromeCastButton": true,
"nextButton": true,
"fullScreenButton": true,
"pictureInPictureButton": true,
"volumeButton": true,
"shareButton": true,
"airplayButton": true,
"bigPlayButton": true,
"settingsButton": true,
"autoPlay": true,
"floatDismissible": true,
"logoOn": true,
"adsRequireInteraction": true,
"focusOnAutoStart": true,
"floatOnMobile": true,
"floatRequiresInteraction": true,
"floatWidth": "string",
"floatBorder": "string",
"logoUrl": "string",
"logoOnClickUrl": "string",
"logoDefaultOpacity": 0,
"logoInactiveOpacity": 0,
"channelUrl": "string",
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"adScheduleId": 0,
"playerSizeTypeId": 0,
"preloadOptionId": 0,
"defaultBandwidthEstimateOptionId": 0,
"sharingTypeId": 0,
"logoPositionOptionId": 0,
"floatPositionOptionId": 0,
"releaseChannelId": 0,
"sharingTooltip": "string",
"rightClickText": "string",
"rightClickUrl": "string",
"responsiveSizeOptionId": 0,
"countDownMessage": "string",
"cueText": "string",
"skipCountDown": "string",
"companionAdsDivID": "string",
"companionAdsWidth": 0,
"companionAdsHeight": 0,
"volume": 0,
"skipAmount": 0,
"highlightCurrentVideo": true,
"onHoverPlay": true,
"showHelperButton": true,
"helperButtonImageUrl": "string",
"showLiveIcon": true,
"delayLiveVideosTime": 0,
"delayLiveVideos": true,
"showAutoPlay": true,
"showQualities": true,
"showSubtitles": true,
"controlsBackgroundAlpha": 0,
"Play": "string",
"Pause": "string",
"Next": "string",
"UpNext": "string",
"Replay": "string",
"Volume": "string",
"Mute": "string",
"UnMute": "string",
"Settings": "string",
"FullScreen": "string",
"Chromecast": "string",
"Airplay": "string",
"PictureInPicture": "string",
"SkipIntro": "string",
"ContinueWatching": "string",
"Quality": "string",
"Subtitles": "string",
"Autoplay": "string",
"PlaybackRate": "string",
"Auto": "string",
"Off": "string",
"Normal": "string",
"Share": "string",
"Theater": "string",
"Skip": "string",
"SkipIn": "string",
"Visit": "string",
"Info": "string",
"SimultaneousAds": "string",
"AutoplayOff": "string",
"AutoplayOn": "string",
"ZoomIn": "string",
"ZoomOut": "string",
"OriginalZoom": "string",
"ContinueAfterPause": "string",
"ApiErrorOverlay": "string",
"SourceErrorOverlay": "string",
"PlayerErrorOverlay": "string",
"CaptionsOff": "string",
"Live": "string",
"ChromeCastPlayingOn": "string",
"Dismiss": "string",
"PlayNow": "string",
"NextVideoCancel": "string",
"AdAnnouncement": "string",
"pauseOtherVideos": true,
"autoStartOnLoad": true,
"autoStartOnLoadMobile": true,
"autoStartOnLoadOnData": true,
"autoStartOnViewableOn": true,
"autoStartOnViewableMobile": true,
"autoStartOnViewableOnData": true,
"autoStartOnViewablePercentage": 0,
"autoPauseOnViewableOn": true,
"autoPauseOnViewablePercentage": 0,
"autoPauseOnCuePointState": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointTimeToPause": 0,
"autoPauseOnCuePointContinueUnMuted": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointOnDesktop": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointOnMobile": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointPlayButtonUrl": "string",
"pauseWhenRelatedIsShown": true,
"readQualities": true,
"enableGravityChange": true,
"forceSound": true,
"showPlayerControlsDuringVideoAdvertisement": true,
"enableHapticFeedbackOnButtonClick": true,
"enableHapticFeedbackOnPinchToZoom": true,
"usePortraitMode": true,
"adAnnouncementState": true,
"adAnnouncementTimeBeforeAd": 0,
"afterMidrollBacktrackState": true,
"afterMidrollBacktrackTime": 0,
"socialNetworkIds": [
"controlBarTextColor": "string",
"controlBarIconsDefaultColor": "string",
"controlBarIconsHoverColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderProgressColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderRailColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderDraggerColor": "string",
"controlBarBackgroundColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderBufferColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeDraggerColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeProgressColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeRailColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeNotifierColor": "string",
"controlBarTimeSliderOnAdDraggerColor": "string",
"controlBarTimeSliderOnAdProgressColor": "string",
"controlBarTimeSliderOnAdRailColor": "string",
"controlBarLoaderColor": "string",
"menuLinksDefaultColor": "string",
"menuLinksHoverColor": "string",
"menuBackroundDefaultColor": "string",
"menuBackroundHoverColor": "string",
"menuAutoplayOnColor": "string",
"menuAutoplayOffColor": "string",
"nextVideoBackgroundColor": "string",
"nextVideoTextColor": "string",
"nextVideoTsRailColor": "string",
"nextVideoTsProgressColor": "string",
"nextVideoTsIconsCloseColor": "string",
"nextVideoIconsPlayDefaultColor": "string",
"nextVideoIconsPlayHoverColor": "string",
"nextVideoCancelTextColor": "string",
"nextVideoCancelBackgroundColor": "string",
"nextVideoPlayNowTextColor": "string",
"nextVideoPlayNowBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistTextColor": "string",
"playlistCardBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistCardTitleColor": "string",
"playlistCardDurationTextColor": "string",
"playlistCardDurationBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistCardIconPlayDefaulColor": "string",
"playlistCardIconPlayHoverColor": "string",
"playlistIconsArrActiveColor": "string",
"playlistIconsArrInactiveColor": "string",
"playlistIconsCloseColor": "string",
"tooltipsTextColor": "string",
"tooltipsBackroundColor": "string"
Information about the fields that appear when you type in the request body are displayed in the table below.
Field Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the player. |
loopContent | bool | Indicates whether the content should be looped. |
muteOnStart | bool | Indicates whether the player is muted on start. |
floatOnScroll | bool | Indicates whether the player should be in a float state when scrolling. |
autoPauseWhenNotViewable | bool | Indicates whether the player should pause when it becomes unviewbale. |
enablePlaybackRateControls | bool | Indicates whther the playback rate controls are enabled. |
sharing | bool | Indicates whether the sharing option is available. |
casting | bool | Indicates whether the casting option is available. |
googleAnalytics | bool | Indicates whether Google Analytics are enabled. |
includeCompatibilityScript | bool | Indicates wether the compatibility script is included. |
showContentTitle | bool | Indicates whether the player should show the content title. |
showContentDescription | bool | Indicates whether the playr should show the content description. |
showControls | bool | Indicates whether the player should show the controls. |
recommendation | bool | Indicates whether the recommendation section is enabled. |
playlistId | integer | The Id of the playlist. |
advertising | bool | Indicates whether advertising is enabled. |
showControlsOnVPAID | bool | Indicates whether the player should show the controls on VPAID. |
oustreamPlayer | bool | Indicates whether the player is outstreamed. |
dispAdvertisementAbove | bool | Indicates whether the advertisement above the player should be displayed. |
autoCollapseAfterAds | bool | Indicates whether the player should auto collapse after ads. |
preloadAds | bool | Indicates whether ads should be preloaded. |
companionAds | bool | Indicates whether companion ads are enabled. |
playAdsMuted | bool | Indicates whether ads should be played on mute |
keepVisibleWhenControlsHidden | bool | Indicates whether the player is visible when the controls are hidden. |
debug | bool | Indicates wether debugging is enabled. |
chromeCastButton | bool | Indicates whether the chromecast button is enabled. |
nextButton | bool | Indicates whether the next button is enabled. |
nextButton | bool | Indicates whether the next button is enabled. |
fullScreenButton | bool | Indicates whether the fullscreen button is enabled. |
pictureInPictureButton | bool | Indicates whether the picture in picture button is enabled. |
volumeButton | bool | Indicates whether the volume button is enabled. |
shareButton | bool | Indicates whether the share button is enabled. |
airplayButton | bool | Indicates whether the airplay button is enabled. |
bigPlayButton | bool | Indicates whether the play button is enabled. |
settingsButton | bool | Indicates whether the settings button is enabled. |
autoPlay | bool | Indicates whether auto play is enabled. |
floatDismissible | bool | Indicates whether the float option is dismissible. |
logoOn | bool | Indicates whether the logo is on the player. |
adsRequireInteraction | bool | Indicates whether the ads require interaction. |
focusOnAutoStart | bool | Indicates whether the player is in a focus state on auto start. |
floatOnMobile | bool | Indicates whether the player should have a float state on mobile versions. |
floatRequiresInteraction | bool | Indicates whether the float option requires interaction. |
floatWidth | string | Indicates the width of the float |
floatBorder | string | Indicates the border of the float |
logoUrl | string | The URL of the logo. |
logoOnClickUrl | string | The URL of the "on click" state of the logo. |
logoDefaultOpacity | integer($int32) | The default opacity of the logo. |
logoInactiveOpacity | integer($int32) | The opacity of the logo when it is inactive. |
channelUrl | string | The URL of the channel. |
width | integer($int32) | The width of the player. |
height | integer($int32) | The height of the player |
adScheduleId | integer($int32) | The Id of the ad schedule. |
playerSizeTypeId | integer($int32) | The Id of the player size type. |
prelaodOption | integer($int32) | The preload option. |
defaultBandwidthEstimateOption | integer($int32) | The default bandwidth estimate option. |
sharingTypeId | integer($int32) | The id of the sharing type. |
logoPositionOptionId | integer($int32) | The id of the logo position option. |
floatPositionOption | integer($int32) | The id of the float position option. |
releaseChannelId | integer($int32) | The id of the release channel. |
responsiveOptionId | integer($int32) | The id of the responsive option. |
sharingTooltip | string | The sharing tooltip. Appears when the cursor is positioned over the sharing icon. |
rightClickText | string | The text that appears when you right-click. |
rightClickUrl | string | The URL of the right-click. |
countDownMessage | string | Indicates the time until the video starts. |
cueText | string | The cue text of the ad. |
skipCountDown | string | Indicates whether the countdown should be skipped. |
companionAdsDivId | string | The div id of the companion ads. |
companionAdsWidth | integer($int32) | The height of the companion ad. |
companionAdsHeight | integer($int32) | The height of the companion ad. |
volume | integer($int32) | The volume of the player. |
skipAmount | integer($int32) | The amount of seconds a skip makes. |
skipAmount | integer($int32) | The amount of seconds a skip makes. |
highlightCurrentVideo | bool | Indicates whether the current video has been highlighted. |
onHoverPlay | bool | Indicates whether the hoverplay is on. |
showHelperButton | bool | Indicates whether the helper button is shown. |
helperButtonImageUrl | string | The url of the helper button image. |
showLiveIcon | bool | Indicates whether the live icon is shown. |
delayLiveVideosTime | integer($int32) | The time delay of the live videos. |
delayLiveVideos | bool | Indicates whether the live videos are delayed. |
showAutoPlay | bool | Indicates whether the auto play is shown. |
showQualities | bool | Indicates whether qualities are shown. |
showSubtitles | bool | Indicates whether subtitles are shown. |
controlsBackgroundAlpha | integer($int32) | The controls of the background alpha. |
play | string | The word "play" in a specific language. |
Pause | string | The word "pause" in a specific language. |
Next | string | The word "next" in a specific language. |
Replay | string | The word "replay" in a specific language. |
Volume | string | The word "volume" in a specific language. |
Mute | string | The word "mute" in a specific language. |
Unmute | string | The word "unmute" in a specific language. |
Settings | string | The word "settings" in a specific language. |
Fullscreen | string | The word "fullscreen" in a specific language. |
Chromecast | string | The word "chromecast" in a specific language. |
Airplay | string | The word "airplay" in a specific language. |
PictureInPicture | string | The word "picture in picture" in a specific language. |
SkipIntro | string | The word "skip intro" in a specific language. |
Airplay | string | The word "airplay" in a specific language. |
ContinueWatching | string | The word "continue watching" in a specific language. |
Quality | string | The word "quality" in a specific language. |
Subtitles | string | The word "subtitles" in a specific language. |
Autoplay | string | The word "autoplay" in a specific language. |
PlaybackRate | string | The word "playback rate" in a specific language. |
Auto | string | The word "auto" in a specific language. |
Off | string | The word "off" in a specific language. |
Normal | string | The word "normal" in a specific language. |
Share | string | The word "share" in a specific language. |
Theater | string | The word "theater" in a specific language. |
Skip | string | The word "skip" in a specific language. |
SkipIn | string | The word "skip in" in a specific language. |
Visit | string | The word "visit" in a specific language. |
Info | string | The word "info" in a specific language. |
StimultaneousAds | string | The word "stimultaneous ads" in a specific language. |
AutoPlayOff | string | The word "autoplay off" in a specific language. |
AutoPlayOn | string | The word "autoplay on" in a specific language. |
ZoomIn | string | The word "zoom in" in a specific language. |
ZoomOut | string | The word "zoom out" in a specific language. |
OriginalZoom | string | The word "original zoom" in a specific language. |
ContinueAfterPause | string | The word "continue after pause" in a specific language. |
ApiErrorOverlay | string | The word "api error overlay" in a specific language. |
SourceErrorOverlay | string | The word "source error overlay" in a specific language. |
PlayerErrorOverlay | string | The word "player error overlay" in a specific language. |
CaptionsOff | string | The word "captions off" in a specific language. |
Live | string | The word "live" in a specific language. |
ChromeCastPlayingOn | string | The word "chromecast playing on" in a specific language. |
Dimiss | string | The word "dismiss" in a specific language. |
PlayNow | string | The word "play now" in a specific language. |
NextVideoCancel | string | The word "next video cancel" in a specific language. |
AdAnnouncement | string | The word "ad announcement" in a specific language. |
pauseOtherVideos | bool | Indicates whether the other videos should be paused. |
autoStartOnLoad | bool | An object with the autostart properties of the player when the page loads. |
autoStartOnLoadMobile | bool | Specifies if playback should start on load when the user is on mobile. |
autoStartOnLoadOnData | bool | Specifies if playback should start on load when the user is on mobile data. |
autoStartOnViewable | Object | An object with the autostart properties of the player dependin on its viewability. |
autoStartOnViewableMobile | bool | Specifies if this property should be on when the user is on mobile data. |
autoStartOnViewableOnData | bool | Specifies if this property should be on when the user is on mobile data. |
autoStartOnViewablePercentage | integer($int32) | Value range: 1-0, specifies what percentage of the video should be visible for video to start. |
autoPauseOnViewableOn | bool | An object with the auto pause properties. |
autoPauseOnViewablePercentage | integer($int32) | Value range: 1-0, specifies what percentage of the video should be visible for video to start. |
autoPauseOnCuePointState | bool | Specifies if this property should be on when the user is on cue point state. |
autoPauseOnCuePointTimeToPause | integer($int32) | The time it takes to pause when auto pause on cue point. |
autoPauseOnCuePointContinueUnMuted | bool | Specifies if this property should be on when there is an autopause on cue point. |
autoPauseOnCuePointOnDesktop | bool | Specifies if this property should be on when there is an autopause on cue point on desktop. |
autoPauseOnCuePointOnMobile | bool | Specifies if this property should be on when there is an autopause on cue point on mobile. |
autoPauseOnCuePointPlayerButtonUrl | string | The url of the auto pause button on cue point player. |
pauseWhenRelatedIsShown | bool | Specifies if this property should be shown when paused when related. |
readQualities | bool | Specifies if the qualities are read. |
enableGravityChange | bool | Specifies if th gravity change is enabled. |
forceSound | bool | Specifies if the sound is forced. |
showPlayerControlsDuringVideoAdvertisement | bool | Specifies if the player control is shown during video advertisement. |
enableHapticFeedbackOnButtonClick | bool | Specifies if the feedback on button click is enabled. |
enableHapticFeedbackOnPinchClick | bool | Specifies if the feedback on pinch click is enabled. |
usePortraitMode | bool | Specifies if the portrait mode is being used. |
adAnnouncementState | bool | Specifies if the ad ammpumcement is enabled. |
adAnnouncementState | bool | Specifies if the ad ammpumcement is enabled. |
adAnnouncementTimeBeforeAd | integer($int32) | The time before ad for the ad announcement. |
afterMidrollBacktrackState | bool | Specifies if the backtrack state will be on after midroll. |
afterMidrollBacktrackTime | integer($int32) | The time for the midroll backtrack. |
socialNetworksIds | object | Returns the social network ids. |
controlbartextcolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar. |
controlbariconsdefaultcolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar icon. |
controlbariconshovercolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar when hovering. |
controlbartimesliderprogresscolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar slider. |
controlbartimesliderrailcolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar timeslider. |
controlbartimesliderdraggercolor | string | Indicates the color of the dragger of the control bar timeslider. |
controlbartimesliderbuffercolor | string | Indicates the color of the buffer of the control bar timeslider. |
controlbarvolumedraggercolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar volume dragger. |
controlbarvolumeprogresscolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar volume progress. |
controlbarvolumerailcolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar volume rail. |
controlbarvolumenotifiercolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar volume notifier. |
menulinksdefaultcolor | string | Indicates the color of the links menu. |
menulinkshovercolor | string | Indicates the color of the links menu when hovering. |
menubackrounddefaultcolor | string | Indicates the color of the menu background. |
menubackroundhovercolor | string | Indicates the color of the menu background when hovering. |
menuautoplayoncolor | string | Indicates the color of the menu auto-play when on. |
menuautoplayoffcolor | string | Indicates the color of the menu auto-play when off. |
controlbarbackgroundcolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar background. |
controlBarLoaderColor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar loader. |
tooltipstextcolor | string | Indicates the color of the tooltips text. |
tooltipsbackroundcolor | string | Indicates the color of the tooltips background. |
nextVideoBackgroundColor | string | Indicates the color of the background of the next video. |
nextVideoTextColor | string | Indicates the color of the text of the next video. |
nextVideoTsRailColor | string | Indicates the color of the TS rail of the next video. |
nextVideoTsProgressColor | string | Indicates the color of the TS progress of the next video. |
nextVideoTsIconsCloseColor | string | Indicates the color of the TS icons of the next video. |
nextVideoIconsPlayDefaultColor | string | Indicates the default color of the icons of the next video. |
nextVideoIconsPlayHoverColor | string | Indicates the default color of the icons play hover of the next video. |
nextVideoCancelTextColor | string | Indicates the text color of the next video cancel. |
nextVideoCancelBackgroundColor | string | Indicates the background color of the next video cancel. |
nextVideoPlayNowTextColor | string | Indicates the text color of the play now next video. |
nextVideoPlayNowBackgroundColor | string | Indicates the background color of the play now next video. |
playlistBackgroundColor | string | Indicates the background color of the playlist. |
playlistTextColor | string | Indicates the text color of the playlist. |
playlistCardBackgroundColor | string | Indicates the color of the playlist card background. |
playlistCardTitleColor | string | Indicates the title color of the playlist card. |
playlistCardDurationTextColor | string | Indicates the text color of the playlist card duration. |
playlistCardDurationBackgroundColor | string | Indicates the background color of the playlist card. |
playlistCardIconPlayDefaultColor | string | Indicates the default color of the playlist card icon. |
playlistCardIconPlayHoverColor | string | Indicates the hover color of the playlist card icon. |
playlistIconsArrActiveColor | string | Indicates the active color of the playlist icon. |
playlistIconsArrInactiveColor | string | Indicates the inactive color of the playlist icon. |
playlistIconsCloseColor | string | Indicates the close color of the playlist icon. |
controlbartimeslideronaddraggercolor | string | Indicates the color of the dragger of the control bar timeslider. |
controlbartimeslideronadprogresscolor | string | Indicates the color of the ad progress of the control bar timeslider. |
controlbartimeslideronadrailcolor | string | Indicates the color of the ad rail of the control bar timeslider. |
"publicId": "string",
"name": "string",
"loopContent": true,
"muteOnStart": true,
"floatOnScroll": true,
"autoPauseWhenNotViewable": true,
"enablePlayBackRateControls": true,
"sharing": true,
"casting": true,
"googleAnalytics": true,
"includeCompatibilityScript": true,
"showContentTitle": true,
"showContentDescription": true,
"showControls": true,
"recommendation": true,
"playlistId": 0,
"advertising": true,
"showControlsOnVPAID": true,
"outstreamPlayer": true,
"dispAdverisementAbove": true,
"autoCollapseAfterAds": true,
"preloadAds": true,
"companionAds": true,
"playAdsMuted": true,
"keepVisibleWhenControlsHidden": true,
"debug": true,
"theaterButton": true,
"chromeCastButton": true,
"nextButton": true,
"fullScreenButton": true,
"pictureInPictureButton": true,
"volumeButton": true,
"shareButton": true,
"airplayButton": true,
"settingsButton": true,
"bigPlayButton": true,
"autoPlay": true,
"floatDismissible": true,
"logoOn": true,
"adsRequireInteraction": true,
"focusOnAutoStart": true,
"floatOnMobile": true,
"floatRequiresInteraction": true,
"floatWidth": "string",
"floatBorder": "string",
"logoUrl": "string",
"logoOnClickUrl": "string",
"logoDefaultOpacity": 0,
"logoInactiveOpacity": 0,
"channelUrl": "string",
"cloudHostedPlayerLibrary": "string",
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"adScheduleId": 0,
"playerSizeTypeId": 0,
"preloadOptionId": 0,
"defaultBandwidthEstimateOptionId": 0,
"sharingTypeId": 0,
"logoPositionOptionId": 0,
"floatPositionOptionId": 0,
"responsiveSizeOptionId": 0,
"releaseChannelId": 0,
"sharingTooltip": "string",
"rightClickText": "string",
"rightClickUrl": "string",
"countDownMessage": "string",
"cueText": "string",
"skipCountDown": "string",
"companionAdsDivID": "string",
"companionAdsWidth": 0,
"companionAdsHeight": 0,
"volume": 0,
"skipAmount": 0,
"highlightCurrentVideo": true,
"onHoverPlay": true,
"showHelperButton": true,
"helperButtonImageUrl": "string",
"showLiveIcon": true,
"delayLiveVideosTime": 0,
"delayLiveVideos": true,
"showAutoPlay": true,
"showQualities": true,
"showSubtitles": true,
"controlsBackgroundAlpha": 0,
"Play": "string",
"Pause": "string",
"Next": "string",
"UpNext": "string",
"Replay": "string",
"Volume": "string",
"Mute": "string",
"UnMute": "string",
"Settings": "string",
"FullScreen": "string",
"Chromecast": "string",
"Airplay": "string",
"PictureInPicture": "string",
"SkipIntro": "string",
"ContinueWatching": "string",
"Quality": "string",
"Subtitles": "string",
"Autoplay": "string",
"PlaybackRate": "string",
"Auto": "string",
"Off": "string",
"Normal": "string",
"Share": "string",
"Theater": "string",
"Skip": "string",
"SkipIn": "string",
"Visit": "string",
"Info": "string",
"SimultaneousAds": "string",
"AutoplayOff": "string",
"AutoplayOn": "string",
"ZoomIn": "string",
"ZoomOut": "string",
"OriginalZoom": "string",
"ContinueAfterPause": "string",
"ApiErrorOverlay": "string",
"SourceErrorOverlay": "string",
"PlayerErrorOverlay": "string",
"CaptionsOff": "string",
"Live": "string",
"ChromeCastPlayingOn": "string",
"Dismiss": "string",
"PlayNow": "string",
"NextVideoCancel": "string",
"AdAnnouncement": "string",
"pauseOtherVideos": true,
"autoStartOnLoad": true,
"autoStartOnLoadMobile": true,
"autoStartOnLoadOnData": true,
"autoStartOnViewableOn": true,
"autoStartOnViewableMobile": true,
"autoStartOnViewableOnData": true,
"autoStartOnViewablePercentage": 0,
"autoPauseOnViewableOn": true,
"autoPauseOnViewablePercentage": 0,
"autoPauseOnCuePointState": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointTimeToPause": 0,
"autoPauseOnCuePointContinueUnMuted": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointOnDesktop": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointOnMobile": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointPlayButtonUrl": "string",
"pauseWhenRelatedIsShown": true,
"readQualities": true,
"enableGravityChange": true,
"forceSound": true,
"showPlayerControlsDuringVideoAdvertisement": true,
"enableHapticFeedbackOnButtonClick": true,
"enableHapticFeedbackOnPinchToZoom": true,
"usePortraitMode": true,
"adAnnouncementState": true,
"adAnnouncementTimeBeforeAd": 0,
"afterMidrollBacktrackState": true,
"afterMidrollBacktrackTime": 0,
"releaseChannel": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"originalPath": "string",
"templateOriginalPath": "string"
"playerSizeType": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"preloadOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string",
"tooltipText": "string"
"defaultBandwidthEstimateOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"sharingType": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"responsiveSizeOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"width": 0,
"height": 0
"logoPositionOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"floatPositionOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"adSchedule": {
"adManagerId": 0,
"vpaidModeOptionId": 0,
"publicId": "string",
"name": "string",
"adScheduleTypeId": 0,
"adSeenOnSubsequentVisitOptionId": 0,
"vmapAdTag": "string",
"timeBetweenAds": 0,
"startOnPlaylistItem": 0,
"repeatOnInterval": 0,
"enableBidding": true,
"enableProgrammability": true,
"biddingTemplatePublicId": "string",
"vpaidModeOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"adSeenOnSubsequentVisitOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"adManager": {
"id": 0,
"Value": "string"
"adScheduleType": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string",
"description": "string"
"adWorkflows": [
"id": 0,
"adScheduleId": "string",
"adFunctionId": 0,
"adFunctionName": "string",
"order": 0
"socialNetworkIds": [
"controlBarTextColor": "string",
"controlBarIconsDefaultColor": "string",
"controlBarIconsHoverColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderProgressColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderRailColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderDraggerColor": "string",
"controlBarBackgroundColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderBufferColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeDraggerColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeProgressColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeRailColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeNotifierColor": "string",
"controlBarTimeSliderOnAdDraggerColor": "string",
"controlBarTimeSliderOnAdProgressColor": "string",
"controlBarTimeSliderOnAdRailColor": "string",
"controlBarLoaderColor": "string",
"menuLinksDefaultColor": "string",
"menuLinksHoverColor": "string",
"menuBackroundDefaultColor": "string",
"menuBackroundHoverColor": "string",
"menuAutoplayOnColor": "string",
"menuAutoplayOffColor": "string",
"nextVideoBackgroundColor": "string",
"nextVideoTextColor": "string",
"nextVideoTsRailColor": "string",
"nextVideoTsProgressColor": "string",
"nextVideoTsIconsCloseColor": "string",
"nextVideoIconsPlayDefaultColor": "string",
"nextVideoIconsPlayHoverColor": "string",
"nextVideoCancelTextColor": "string",
"nextVideoCancelBackgroundColor": "string",
"nextVideoPlayNowTextColor": "string",
"nextVideoPlayNowBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistTextColor": "string",
"playlistCardBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistCardTitleColor": "string",
"playlistCardDurationTextColor": "string",
"playlistCardDurationBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistCardIconPlayDefaulColor": "string",
"playlistCardIconPlayHoverColor": "string",
"playlistIconsArrActiveColor": "string",
"playlistIconsArrInactiveColor": "string",
"playlistIconsCloseColor": "string",
"tooltipsTextColor": "string",
"tooltipsBackroundColor": "string"
Information about the fields that appear when you receive the response are displayed in the table below.
Field Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | If the response is successful it will return true. Otherwise will return false. |
errors | array[] | Indicates if there was an error. |
messages | array[] | Returns the response message from back-end. |
result | array[Object] | Returns the response object. |
publicId | string | The public ID of the player. |
name | string | The name of the player. |
loopContent | bool | Indicates whether the content should be looped. |
muteOnStart | bool | Indicates whether the player is muted on start. |
floatOnScroll | bool | Indicates whether the player should be in a float state when scrolling. |
autoPauseWhenNotViewable | bool | Indicates whether the player should pause when it becomes unviewbale. |
enablePlaybackRateControls | bool | Indicates whther the playback rate controls are enabled. |
sharing | bool | Indicates whether the sharing option is available. |
casting | bool | Indicates whether the casting option is available. |
googleAnalytics | bool | Indicates whether Google Analytics are enabled. |
includeCompatibilityScript | bool | Indicates wether the compatibility script is included. |
showContentTitle | bool | Indicates whether the player should show the content title. |
showContentDescription | bool | Indicates whether the playr should show the content description. |
showControls | bool | Indicates whether the playr should show the controls. |
recommendation | bool | Indicates whether the recommendation section is enabled. |
advertising | bool | Indicates whether advertising is enabled. |
showControlsOnVPAID | bool | Indicates whether the player should show the controls on VPAID. |
oustreamPlayer | bool | Indicates whether the player is outstreamed. |
dispAdvertisementAbove | bool | Indicates whether the advertisement above the player should be displayed. |
autoCollapseAfterAds | bool | Indicates whether the player should auto collapse after ads. |
preloadAds | bool | Indicates whether ads should be preloaded. |
companionAds | bool | Indicates whether companion ads are enabled. |
playAdsMuted | bool | Indicates whether ads should be played on mute |
keepVisibleWhenControlsHidden | bool | Indicates whether the player is visible when the controls are hidden. |
debug | bool | Indicates wether debugging is enabled. |
chromeCastButton | bool | Indicates whether the chromecast button is enabled. |
nextButton | bool | Indicates whether the next button is enabled. |
airplayButton | bool | Indicates whether the airplay button is enabled. |
settingsButton | bool | Indicates whether the settings button is enabled. |
bigPlayButton | bool | Indicates whether the main play button is enabled. |
autoPlay | bool | Indicates whether auto play is enabled. |
muted | bool | Indicates whether the player is muted. |
floatDismissible | bool | Indicates whether the float option is dismissible. |
logoOn | bool | Indicates whether the logo is on the player. |
adsRequireInteraction | bool | Indicates whether the ads require interaction. |
focusOnAutoStart | bool | Indicates whether the player is in a focus state on auto start. |
floatOnMobile | bool | Indicates whether the player should have a float state on mobile versions. |
floatRequiresInteraction | bool | Indicates whether the float option requires interaction. |
floatWidth | string | Indicates the width of the float |
logoUrl | string | The URL of the logo. |
logoOnClickUrl | string | The URL of the "on click" state of the logo. |
logoDefaultOpacity | integer($int32) | The default opacity of the logo. |
logoInactiveOpacity | integer($int32) | The opacity of the logo when it is inactive. |
channelUrl | string | The URL of the channel. |
width | integer($int32) | The width of the player. |
height | integer($int32) | The height of the player |
adScheduleId | integer($int32) | The Id of the ad schedule. |
playerSizeTypeId | integer($int32) | The Id of the player size type. |
prelaodOption | integer($int32) | The preload option. |
defaultBandwidthEstimateOption | integer($int32) | The default bandwidth estimate option. |
sharingTypeId | integer($int32) | The id of the sharing type. |
logoPositionOptionId | integer($int32) | The id of the logo position option. |
floatPositionOption | integer($int32) | The id of the float position option. |
responsiveOptionId | integer($int32) | The id of the responsive option. |
releaseChannelId | integer($int32) | The id of the release channel |
sharingTooltip | string | The sharing tooltip. Appears when the cursor is positioned over the sharing icon. |
rightClickText | string | The text that appears when you right-click. |
rightClickUrl | string | The URL of the right-click. |
countDownMessage | string | Indicates the time until the video starts. |
cueText | string | The cue text of the ad. |
skipCountDown | string | Indicates whether the countdown should be skipped. |
companionAdsDivId | string | The div id of the companion ads. |
companionAdsWidth | integer($int32) | The height of the companion ad. |
companionAdsHeight | integer($int32) | The height of the companion ad. |
volume | integer($int32) | The volume of the player. |
skipAmount | integer($int32) | The amount of seconds a skip makes. |
skipAmount | integer($int32) | The amount of seconds a skip makes. |
play | string | The word "play" in a specific language. |
Pause | string | The word "pause" in a specific language. |
Next | string | The word "next" in a specific language. |
Replay | string | The word "replay" in a specific language. |
Volume | string | The word "volume" in a specific language. |
Mute | string | The word "mute" in a specific language. |
Unmute | string | The word "unmute" in a specific language. |
Settings | string | The word "settings" in a specific language. |
Fullscreen | string | The word "fullscreen" in a specific language. |
Chromecast | string | The word "chromecast" in a specific language. |
Airplay | string | The word "airplay" in a specific language. |
Quality | string | The word "quality" in a specific language. |
Subtitles | string | The word "subtitles" in a specific language. |
Theater | string | The word "theater" in a specific language. |
Skip | string | The word "skip" in a specific language. |
SkipIn | string | The word "skip in" in a specific language. |
Visit | string | The word "visit" in a specific language. |
Info | string | The word "info" in a specific language. |
autoStartOn | bool | Indicates whether the player has auto start enabled. |
autoStartOnData | bool | Indicates whether the player has auto start enabled. |
autoStartPlayPercentage | integer($int32) | Indicates on which percentage is auto start enabled. |
autoPauseOn | bool | Indicates whether the player has auto pause enabled. |
autoPauseOnPercentage | integer($int32) | Indicates on which percentage is auto pause enabled. |
pauseOtherVideos | bool | Indicates whether the other videos should be paused. |
autoStartOnLoad | Object | An object with the autostart properties of the player when the page loads. |
autoStartOnLoadMobile | bool | Specifies if playback should start on load when the user is on mobile. |
autoStartOnLoadOnData | bool | Specifies if playback should start on load when the user is on mobile data. |
autoStartOnViewable | Object | An object with the autostart properties of the player dependin on its viewability. |
autoStartOnViewableMobile | bool | Specifies if this property should be on when the user is on mobile data. |
autoStartOnViewableOnData | bool | Specifies if this property should be on when the user is on mobile data. |
autoStartOnViewablePercentage | integer($int32) | Value range: 1-0, specifies what percentage of the video should be visible for video to start. |
autoPauseOnViewableOn | bool | An object with the auto pause properties. |
autoPauseOnViewablePercentage | integer($int32) | Value range: 1-0, specifies what percentage of the video should be visible for video to start. |
releaseChannel | Object | Returns the release channel. |
id | integer($int32) | The id of the release channel. |
name | string | The name of the release channel. |
originalPath | string | The original path of the release channel. |
templateOriginalPath | string | The original path of the template release channel. |
playerSizeType | Object | Returns the player size type. |
id | integer($int32) | The id of the player size type. |
name | string | The name of the player size type. |
preloadOption | Object | Returns the preload option. |
id | integer($int32) | The id of the preload option. |
name | string | The name of the preload option. |
value | string | The value of the preload option. |
tooltipText | string | Gives a description about the preload option. |
defaultBandwidthEstimateOption | Object | Returns the default bandwidth estimate option. |
id | integer($int32) | The id of the default bandwidth estimate option. |
name | string | The name of the default bandwidth estimate option. |
value | string | The value of the default bandwidth estimate option. |
sharingType | Object | Returns the sharing type |
responsiveSizeOption | Object | Returns the responsive size option. |
id | integer($int32) | The id of the responsive size option. |
name | string | The name of the responsive size option. |
logoPositionOption | Object | Returns the logo position option. |
id | integer($int32) | The id of the logo position option. |
name | string | The name of the logo position option. |
value | string | The value of the logo position option. |
floatPositionOption | Object | Returns the float position option. |
id | integer($int32) | The id of the float position option. |
name | string | The name of the float position option. |
value | string | The value of the float position option. |
adScheduleId | string | The id of the ad schedule. |
defaultConfig | Object | Object that contains all of the configurations. |
playerSocialNetworks | array[Object] | Returns the social networks of the player. |
controlbartextcolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar. |
controlbariconsdefaultcolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar icon. |
controlbariconshovercolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar when hovering. |
controlbartimesliderprogresscolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar slider. |
controlbartimesliderrailcolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar timeslider. |
controlbartimesliderdraggercolor | string | Indicates the color of the dragger of the control bar timeslider. |
controlbartimesliderbuffercolor | string | Indicates the color of the buffer of the control bar timeslider. |
controlbarvolumedraggercolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar volume dragger. |
controlbarvolumeprogresscolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar volume progress. |
controlbarvolumerailcolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar volume rail. |
controlbarvolumenotifiercolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar volume notifier. |
menulinksdefaultcolor | string | Indicates the color of the links menu. |
menulinkshovercolor | string | Indicates the color of the links menu when hovering. |
menubackrounddefaultcolor | string | Indicates the color of the menu background. |
menubackroundhovercolor | string | Indicates the color of the menu background when hovering. |
menuautoplayoncolor | string | Indicates the color of the menu auto-play when on. |
menuautoplayoffcolor | string | Indicates the color of the menu auto-play when off. |
controlbarbackgroundcolor | string | Indicates the color of the control bar background. |
tooltipstextcolor | string | Indicates the color of the tooltips text. |
tooltipsbackroundcolor | string | Indicates the color of the tooltips background. |
controlbartimeslideronaddraggercolor | string | Indicates the color of the dragger of the control bar timeslider. |
controlbartimeslideronadprogresscolor | string | Indicates the color of the ad progress of the control bar timeslider. |
controlbartimeslideronadrailcolor | string | Indicates the color of the ad rail of the control bar timeslider. |
resultInfo | string | Returns extra information about the result. |
statusCode | integer($int32) | Returns the HTTP Status Code. |
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 or 201 response.
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:
HTTP Status Code 400: Bad Request
HTTP Status Code 401: Unauthorized
HTTP Status Code 403: Forbidden
HTTP Status Code 404: Result Not Found
HTTP Status Code 500: Internal Server Error
HTTP Status Code 503: Backend Fetch Failed