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POST Player


The following table contains important information about the POST method in regards to creating a new player.

POST Player
URL or Endpoint/api/projects/projectId/players
ParametersprojectId, api-version
BodyCheck request body below

The description of the URL parameter is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeDescription
projectIdNostringUnique Id of the project.
api-versionNostringThe correct api version to use.

Request Body

"name": "string",
"loopContent": true,
"muteOnStart": true,
"floatOnScroll": true,
"autoPauseWhenNotViewable": true,
"enablePlayBackRateControls": true,
"sharing": true,
"casting": true,
"googleAnalytics": true,
"includeCompatibilityScript": true,
"showContentTitle": true,
"showContentDescription": true,
"showControls": true,
"recommendation": true,
"playlistId": 0,
"advertising": true,
"showControlsOnVPAID": true,
"outstreamPlayer": true,
"dispAdverisementAbove": true,
"autoCollapseAfterAds": true,
"preloadAds": true,
"companionAds": true,
"playAdsMuted": true,
"keepVisibleWhenControlsHidden": true,
"debug": true,
"theaterButton": true,
"chromeCastButton": true,
"nextButton": true,
"fullScreenButton": true,
"pictureInPictureButton": true,
"volumeButton": true,
"shareButton": true,
"airplayButton": true,
"bigPlayButton": true,
"settingsButton": true,
"autoPlay": true,
"floatDismissible": true,
"logoOn": true,
"adsRequireInteraction": true,
"focusOnAutoStart": true,
"floatOnMobile": true,
"floatRequiresInteraction": true,
"floatWidth": "string",
"floatBorder": "string",
"logoUrl": "string",
"logoOnClickUrl": "string",
"logoDefaultOpacity": 0,
"logoInactiveOpacity": 0,
"channelUrl": "string",
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"adScheduleId": 0,
"playerSizeTypeId": 0,
"preloadOptionId": 0,
"defaultBandwidthEstimateOptionId": 0,
"sharingTypeId": 0,
"logoPositionOptionId": 0,
"floatPositionOptionId": 0,
"releaseChannelId": 0,
"sharingTooltip": "string",
"rightClickText": "string",
"rightClickUrl": "string",
"responsiveSizeOptionId": 0,
"countDownMessage": "string",
"cueText": "string",
"skipCountDown": "string",
"companionAdsDivID": "string",
"companionAdsWidth": 0,
"companionAdsHeight": 0,
"volume": 0,
"skipAmount": 0,
"highlightCurrentVideo": true,
"onHoverPlay": true,
"showHelperButton": true,
"helperButtonImageUrl": "string",
"showLiveIcon": true,
"delayLiveVideosTime": 0,
"delayLiveVideos": true,
"showAutoPlay": true,
"showQualities": true,
"showSubtitles": true,
"controlsBackgroundAlpha": 0,
"Play": "string",
"Pause": "string",
"Next": "string",
"UpNext": "string",
"Replay": "string",
"Volume": "string",
"Mute": "string",
"UnMute": "string",
"Settings": "string",
"FullScreen": "string",
"Chromecast": "string",
"Airplay": "string",
"PictureInPicture": "string",
"SkipIntro": "string",
"ContinueWatching": "string",
"Quality": "string",
"Subtitles": "string",
"Autoplay": "string",
"PlaybackRate": "string",
"Auto": "string",
"Off": "string",
"Normal": "string",
"Share": "string",
"Theater": "string",
"Skip": "string",
"SkipIn": "string",
"Visit": "string",
"Info": "string",
"SimultaneousAds": "string",
"AutoplayOff": "string",
"AutoplayOn": "string",
"ZoomIn": "string",
"ZoomOut": "string",
"OriginalZoom": "string",
"ContinueAfterPause": "string",
"ApiErrorOverlay": "string",
"SourceErrorOverlay": "string",
"PlayerErrorOverlay": "string",
"CaptionsOff": "string",
"Live": "string",
"ChromeCastPlayingOn": "string",
"Dismiss": "string",
"PlayNow": "string",
"NextVideoCancel": "string",
"AdAnnouncement": "string",
"pauseOtherVideos": true,
"autoStartOnLoad": true,
"autoStartOnLoadMobile": true,
"autoStartOnLoadOnData": true,
"autoStartOnViewableOn": true,
"autoStartOnViewableMobile": true,
"autoStartOnViewableOnData": true,
"autoStartOnViewablePercentage": 0,
"autoPauseOnViewableOn": true,
"autoPauseOnViewablePercentage": 0,
"autoPauseOnCuePointState": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointTimeToPause": 0,
"autoPauseOnCuePointContinueUnMuted": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointOnDesktop": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointOnMobile": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointPlayButtonUrl": "string",
"pauseWhenRelatedIsShown": true,
"readQualities": true,
"enableGravityChange": true,
"forceSound": true,
"showPlayerControlsDuringVideoAdvertisement": true,
"enableHapticFeedbackOnButtonClick": true,
"enableHapticFeedbackOnPinchToZoom": true,
"usePortraitMode": true,
"adAnnouncementState": true,
"adAnnouncementTimeBeforeAd": 0,
"afterMidrollBacktrackState": true,
"afterMidrollBacktrackTime": 0,
"socialNetworkIds": [
"controlBarTextColor": "string",
"controlBarIconsDefaultColor": "string",
"controlBarIconsHoverColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderProgressColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderRailColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderDraggerColor": "string",
"controlBarBackgroundColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderBufferColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeDraggerColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeProgressColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeRailColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeNotifierColor": "string",
"controlBarTimeSliderOnAdDraggerColor": "string",
"controlBarTimeSliderOnAdProgressColor": "string",
"controlBarTimeSliderOnAdRailColor": "string",
"controlBarLoaderColor": "string",
"menuLinksDefaultColor": "string",
"menuLinksHoverColor": "string",
"menuBackroundDefaultColor": "string",
"menuBackroundHoverColor": "string",
"menuAutoplayOnColor": "string",
"menuAutoplayOffColor": "string",
"nextVideoBackgroundColor": "string",
"nextVideoTextColor": "string",
"nextVideoTsRailColor": "string",
"nextVideoTsProgressColor": "string",
"nextVideoTsIconsCloseColor": "string",
"nextVideoIconsPlayDefaultColor": "string",
"nextVideoIconsPlayHoverColor": "string",
"nextVideoCancelTextColor": "string",
"nextVideoCancelBackgroundColor": "string",
"nextVideoPlayNowTextColor": "string",
"nextVideoPlayNowBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistTextColor": "string",
"playlistCardBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistCardTitleColor": "string",
"playlistCardDurationTextColor": "string",
"playlistCardDurationBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistCardIconPlayDefaulColor": "string",
"playlistCardIconPlayHoverColor": "string",
"playlistIconsArrActiveColor": "string",
"playlistIconsArrInactiveColor": "string",
"playlistIconsCloseColor": "string",
"tooltipsTextColor": "string",
"tooltipsBackroundColor": "string"

Information about the fields that appear when you type in the request body are displayed in the table below.

Field NameTypeDescription
namestringThe name of the player.
loopContentboolIndicates whether the content should be looped.
muteOnStartboolIndicates whether the player is muted on start.
floatOnScrollboolIndicates whether the player should be in a float state when scrolling.
autoPauseWhenNotViewableboolIndicates whether the player should pause when it becomes unviewbale.
enablePlaybackRateControlsboolIndicates whther the playback rate controls are enabled.
sharingboolIndicates whether the sharing option is available.
castingboolIndicates whether the casting option is available.
googleAnalyticsboolIndicates whether Google Analytics are enabled.
includeCompatibilityScriptboolIndicates wether the compatibility script is included.
showContentTitleboolIndicates whether the player should show the content title.
showContentDescriptionboolIndicates whether the playr should show the content description.
showControlsboolIndicates whether the player should show the controls.
recommendationboolIndicates whether the recommendation section is enabled.
playlistIdintegerThe Id of the playlist.
advertisingboolIndicates whether advertising is enabled.
showControlsOnVPAIDboolIndicates whether the player should show the controls on VPAID.
oustreamPlayerboolIndicates whether the player is outstreamed.
dispAdvertisementAboveboolIndicates whether the advertisement above the player should be displayed.
autoCollapseAfterAdsboolIndicates whether the player should auto collapse after ads.
preloadAdsboolIndicates whether ads should be preloaded.
companionAdsboolIndicates whether companion ads are enabled.
playAdsMutedboolIndicates whether ads should be played on mute
keepVisibleWhenControlsHiddenboolIndicates whether the player is visible when the controls are hidden.
debugboolIndicates wether debugging is enabled.
chromeCastButtonboolIndicates whether the chromecast button is enabled.
nextButtonboolIndicates whether the next button is enabled.
nextButtonboolIndicates whether the next button is enabled.
fullScreenButtonboolIndicates whether the fullscreen button is enabled.
pictureInPictureButtonboolIndicates whether the picture in picture button is enabled.
volumeButtonboolIndicates whether the volume button is enabled.
shareButtonboolIndicates whether the share button is enabled.
airplayButtonboolIndicates whether the airplay button is enabled.
bigPlayButtonboolIndicates whether the play button is enabled.
settingsButtonboolIndicates whether the settings button is enabled.
autoPlayboolIndicates whether auto play is enabled.
floatDismissibleboolIndicates whether the float option is dismissible.
logoOnboolIndicates whether the logo is on the player.
adsRequireInteractionboolIndicates whether the ads require interaction.
focusOnAutoStartboolIndicates whether the player is in a focus state on auto start.
floatOnMobileboolIndicates whether the player should have a float state on mobile versions.
floatRequiresInteractionboolIndicates whether the float option requires interaction.
floatWidthstringIndicates the width of the float
floatBorderstringIndicates the border of the float
logoUrlstringThe URL of the logo.
logoOnClickUrlstringThe URL of the "on click" state of the logo.
logoDefaultOpacityinteger($int32)The default opacity of the logo.
logoInactiveOpacityinteger($int32)The opacity of the logo when it is inactive.
channelUrlstringThe URL of the channel.
widthinteger($int32)The width of the player.
heightinteger($int32)The height of the player
adScheduleIdinteger($int32)The Id of the ad schedule.
playerSizeTypeIdinteger($int32)The Id of the player size type.
prelaodOptioninteger($int32)The preload option.
defaultBandwidthEstimateOptioninteger($int32)The default bandwidth estimate option.
sharingTypeIdinteger($int32)The id of the sharing type.
logoPositionOptionIdinteger($int32)The id of the logo position option.
floatPositionOptioninteger($int32)The id of the float position option.
releaseChannelIdinteger($int32)The id of the release channel.
responsiveOptionIdinteger($int32)The id of the responsive option.
sharingTooltipstringThe sharing tooltip. Appears when the cursor is positioned over the sharing icon.
rightClickTextstringThe text that appears when you right-click.
rightClickUrlstringThe URL of the right-click.
countDownMessagestringIndicates the time until the video starts.
cueTextstringThe cue text of the ad.
skipCountDownstringIndicates whether the countdown should be skipped.
companionAdsDivIdstringThe div id of the companion ads.
companionAdsWidthinteger($int32)The height of the companion ad.
companionAdsHeightinteger($int32)The height of the companion ad.
volumeinteger($int32)The volume of the player.
skipAmountinteger($int32)The amount of seconds a skip makes.
skipAmountinteger($int32)The amount of seconds a skip makes.
highlightCurrentVideoboolIndicates whether the current video has been highlighted.
onHoverPlayboolIndicates whether the hoverplay is on.
showHelperButtonboolIndicates whether the helper button is shown.
helperButtonImageUrlstringThe url of the helper button image.
showLiveIconboolIndicates whether the live icon is shown.
delayLiveVideosTimeinteger($int32)The time delay of the live videos.
delayLiveVideosboolIndicates whether the live videos are delayed.
showAutoPlayboolIndicates whether the auto play is shown.
showQualitiesboolIndicates whether qualities are shown.
showSubtitlesboolIndicates whether subtitles are shown.
controlsBackgroundAlphainteger($int32)The controls of the background alpha.
playstringThe word "play" in a specific language.
PausestringThe word "pause" in a specific language.
NextstringThe word "next" in a specific language.
ReplaystringThe word "replay" in a specific language.
VolumestringThe word "volume" in a specific language.
MutestringThe word "mute" in a specific language.
UnmutestringThe word "unmute" in a specific language.
SettingsstringThe word "settings" in a specific language.
FullscreenstringThe word "fullscreen" in a specific language.
ChromecaststringThe word "chromecast" in a specific language.
AirplaystringThe word "airplay" in a specific language.
PictureInPicturestringThe word "picture in picture" in a specific language.
SkipIntrostringThe word "skip intro" in a specific language.
AirplaystringThe word "airplay" in a specific language.
ContinueWatchingstringThe word "continue watching" in a specific language.
QualitystringThe word "quality" in a specific language.
SubtitlesstringThe word "subtitles" in a specific language.
AutoplaystringThe word "autoplay" in a specific language.
PlaybackRatestringThe word "playback rate" in a specific language.
AutostringThe word "auto" in a specific language.
OffstringThe word "off" in a specific language.
NormalstringThe word "normal" in a specific language.
SharestringThe word "share" in a specific language.
TheaterstringThe word "theater" in a specific language.
SkipstringThe word "skip" in a specific language.
SkipInstringThe word "skip in" in a specific language.
VisitstringThe word "visit" in a specific language.
InfostringThe word "info" in a specific language.
StimultaneousAdsstringThe word "stimultaneous ads" in a specific language.
AutoPlayOffstringThe word "autoplay off" in a specific language.
AutoPlayOnstringThe word "autoplay on" in a specific language.
ZoomInstringThe word "zoom in" in a specific language.
ZoomOutstringThe word "zoom out" in a specific language.
OriginalZoomstringThe word "original zoom" in a specific language.
ContinueAfterPausestringThe word "continue after pause" in a specific language.
ApiErrorOverlaystringThe word "api error overlay" in a specific language.
SourceErrorOverlaystringThe word "source error overlay" in a specific language.
PlayerErrorOverlaystringThe word "player error overlay" in a specific language.
CaptionsOffstringThe word "captions off" in a specific language.
LivestringThe word "live" in a specific language.
ChromeCastPlayingOnstringThe word "chromecast playing on" in a specific language.
DimissstringThe word "dismiss" in a specific language.
PlayNowstringThe word "play now" in a specific language.
NextVideoCancelstringThe word "next video cancel" in a specific language.
AdAnnouncementstringThe word "ad announcement" in a specific language.
pauseOtherVideosboolIndicates whether the other videos should be paused.
autoStartOnLoadboolAn object with the autostart properties of the player when the page loads.
autoStartOnLoadMobileboolSpecifies if playback should start on load when the user is on mobile.
autoStartOnLoadOnDataboolSpecifies if playback should start on load when the user is on mobile data.
autoStartOnViewableObjectAn object with the autostart properties of the player dependin on its viewability.
autoStartOnViewableMobileboolSpecifies if this property should be on when the user is on mobile data.
autoStartOnViewableOnDataboolSpecifies if this property should be on when the user is on mobile data.
autoStartOnViewablePercentageinteger($int32)Value range: 1-0, specifies what percentage of the video should be visible for video to start.
autoPauseOnViewableOnboolAn object with the auto pause properties.
autoPauseOnViewablePercentageinteger($int32)Value range: 1-0, specifies what percentage of the video should be visible for video to start.
autoPauseOnCuePointStateboolSpecifies if this property should be on when the user is on cue point state.
autoPauseOnCuePointTimeToPauseinteger($int32)The time it takes to pause when auto pause on cue point.
autoPauseOnCuePointContinueUnMutedboolSpecifies if this property should be on when there is an autopause on cue point.
autoPauseOnCuePointOnDesktopboolSpecifies if this property should be on when there is an autopause on cue point on desktop.
autoPauseOnCuePointOnMobileboolSpecifies if this property should be on when there is an autopause on cue point on mobile.
autoPauseOnCuePointPlayerButtonUrlstringThe url of the auto pause button on cue point player.
pauseWhenRelatedIsShownboolSpecifies if this property should be shown when paused when related.
readQualitiesboolSpecifies if the qualities are read.
enableGravityChangeboolSpecifies if th gravity change is enabled.
forceSoundboolSpecifies if the sound is forced.
showPlayerControlsDuringVideoAdvertisementboolSpecifies if the player control is shown during video advertisement.
enableHapticFeedbackOnButtonClickboolSpecifies if the feedback on button click is enabled.
enableHapticFeedbackOnPinchClickboolSpecifies if the feedback on pinch click is enabled.
usePortraitModeboolSpecifies if the portrait mode is being used.
adAnnouncementStateboolSpecifies if the ad ammpumcement is enabled.
adAnnouncementStateboolSpecifies if the ad ammpumcement is enabled.
adAnnouncementTimeBeforeAdinteger($int32)The time before ad for the ad announcement.
afterMidrollBacktrackStateboolSpecifies if the backtrack state will be on after midroll.
afterMidrollBacktrackTimeinteger($int32)The time for the midroll backtrack.
socialNetworksIdsobjectReturns the social network ids.
controlbartextcolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar.
controlbariconsdefaultcolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar icon.
controlbariconshovercolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar when hovering.
controlbartimesliderprogresscolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar slider.
controlbartimesliderrailcolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar timeslider.
controlbartimesliderdraggercolorstringIndicates the color of the dragger of the control bar timeslider.
controlbartimesliderbuffercolorstringIndicates the color of the buffer of the control bar timeslider.
controlbarvolumedraggercolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar volume dragger.
controlbarvolumeprogresscolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar volume progress.
controlbarvolumerailcolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar volume rail.
controlbarvolumenotifiercolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar volume notifier.
menulinksdefaultcolorstringIndicates the color of the links menu.
menulinkshovercolorstringIndicates the color of the links menu when hovering.
menubackrounddefaultcolorstringIndicates the color of the menu background.
menubackroundhovercolorstringIndicates the color of the menu background when hovering.
menuautoplayoncolorstringIndicates the color of the menu auto-play when on.
menuautoplayoffcolorstringIndicates the color of the menu auto-play when off.
controlbarbackgroundcolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar background.
controlBarLoaderColorstringIndicates the color of the control bar loader.
tooltipstextcolorstringIndicates the color of the tooltips text.
tooltipsbackroundcolorstringIndicates the color of the tooltips background.
nextVideoBackgroundColorstringIndicates the color of the background of the next video.
nextVideoTextColorstringIndicates the color of the text of the next video.
nextVideoTsRailColorstringIndicates the color of the TS rail of the next video.
nextVideoTsProgressColorstringIndicates the color of the TS progress of the next video.
nextVideoTsIconsCloseColorstringIndicates the color of the TS icons of the next video.
nextVideoIconsPlayDefaultColorstringIndicates the default color of the icons of the next video.
nextVideoIconsPlayHoverColorstringIndicates the default color of the icons play hover of the next video.
nextVideoCancelTextColorstringIndicates the text color of the next video cancel.
nextVideoCancelBackgroundColorstringIndicates the background color of the next video cancel.
nextVideoPlayNowTextColorstringIndicates the text color of the play now next video.
nextVideoPlayNowBackgroundColorstringIndicates the background color of the play now next video.
playlistBackgroundColorstringIndicates the background color of the playlist.
playlistTextColorstringIndicates the text color of the playlist.
playlistCardBackgroundColorstringIndicates the color of the playlist card background.
playlistCardTitleColorstringIndicates the title color of the playlist card.
playlistCardDurationTextColorstringIndicates the text color of the playlist card duration.
playlistCardDurationBackgroundColorstringIndicates the background color of the playlist card.
playlistCardIconPlayDefaultColorstringIndicates the default color of the playlist card icon.
playlistCardIconPlayHoverColorstringIndicates the hover color of the playlist card icon.
playlistIconsArrActiveColorstringIndicates the active color of the playlist icon.
playlistIconsArrInactiveColorstringIndicates the inactive color of the playlist icon.
playlistIconsCloseColorstringIndicates the close color of the playlist icon.
controlbartimeslideronaddraggercolorstringIndicates the color of the dragger of the control bar timeslider.
controlbartimeslideronadprogresscolorstringIndicates the color of the ad progress of the control bar timeslider.
controlbartimeslideronadrailcolorstringIndicates the color of the ad rail of the control bar timeslider.


"publicId": "string",
"name": "string",
"loopContent": true,
"muteOnStart": true,
"floatOnScroll": true,
"autoPauseWhenNotViewable": true,
"enablePlayBackRateControls": true,
"sharing": true,
"casting": true,
"googleAnalytics": true,
"includeCompatibilityScript": true,
"showContentTitle": true,
"showContentDescription": true,
"showControls": true,
"recommendation": true,
"playlistId": 0,
"advertising": true,
"showControlsOnVPAID": true,
"outstreamPlayer": true,
"dispAdverisementAbove": true,
"autoCollapseAfterAds": true,
"preloadAds": true,
"companionAds": true,
"playAdsMuted": true,
"keepVisibleWhenControlsHidden": true,
"debug": true,
"theaterButton": true,
"chromeCastButton": true,
"nextButton": true,
"fullScreenButton": true,
"pictureInPictureButton": true,
"volumeButton": true,
"shareButton": true,
"airplayButton": true,
"settingsButton": true,
"bigPlayButton": true,
"autoPlay": true,
"floatDismissible": true,
"logoOn": true,
"adsRequireInteraction": true,
"focusOnAutoStart": true,
"floatOnMobile": true,
"floatRequiresInteraction": true,
"floatWidth": "string",
"floatBorder": "string",
"logoUrl": "string",
"logoOnClickUrl": "string",
"logoDefaultOpacity": 0,
"logoInactiveOpacity": 0,
"channelUrl": "string",
"cloudHostedPlayerLibrary": "string",
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"adScheduleId": 0,
"playerSizeTypeId": 0,
"preloadOptionId": 0,
"defaultBandwidthEstimateOptionId": 0,
"sharingTypeId": 0,
"logoPositionOptionId": 0,
"floatPositionOptionId": 0,
"responsiveSizeOptionId": 0,
"releaseChannelId": 0,
"sharingTooltip": "string",
"rightClickText": "string",
"rightClickUrl": "string",
"countDownMessage": "string",
"cueText": "string",
"skipCountDown": "string",
"companionAdsDivID": "string",
"companionAdsWidth": 0,
"companionAdsHeight": 0,
"volume": 0,
"skipAmount": 0,
"highlightCurrentVideo": true,
"onHoverPlay": true,
"showHelperButton": true,
"helperButtonImageUrl": "string",
"showLiveIcon": true,
"delayLiveVideosTime": 0,
"delayLiveVideos": true,
"showAutoPlay": true,
"showQualities": true,
"showSubtitles": true,
"controlsBackgroundAlpha": 0,
"Play": "string",
"Pause": "string",
"Next": "string",
"UpNext": "string",
"Replay": "string",
"Volume": "string",
"Mute": "string",
"UnMute": "string",
"Settings": "string",
"FullScreen": "string",
"Chromecast": "string",
"Airplay": "string",
"PictureInPicture": "string",
"SkipIntro": "string",
"ContinueWatching": "string",
"Quality": "string",
"Subtitles": "string",
"Autoplay": "string",
"PlaybackRate": "string",
"Auto": "string",
"Off": "string",
"Normal": "string",
"Share": "string",
"Theater": "string",
"Skip": "string",
"SkipIn": "string",
"Visit": "string",
"Info": "string",
"SimultaneousAds": "string",
"AutoplayOff": "string",
"AutoplayOn": "string",
"ZoomIn": "string",
"ZoomOut": "string",
"OriginalZoom": "string",
"ContinueAfterPause": "string",
"ApiErrorOverlay": "string",
"SourceErrorOverlay": "string",
"PlayerErrorOverlay": "string",
"CaptionsOff": "string",
"Live": "string",
"ChromeCastPlayingOn": "string",
"Dismiss": "string",
"PlayNow": "string",
"NextVideoCancel": "string",
"AdAnnouncement": "string",
"pauseOtherVideos": true,
"autoStartOnLoad": true,
"autoStartOnLoadMobile": true,
"autoStartOnLoadOnData": true,
"autoStartOnViewableOn": true,
"autoStartOnViewableMobile": true,
"autoStartOnViewableOnData": true,
"autoStartOnViewablePercentage": 0,
"autoPauseOnViewableOn": true,
"autoPauseOnViewablePercentage": 0,
"autoPauseOnCuePointState": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointTimeToPause": 0,
"autoPauseOnCuePointContinueUnMuted": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointOnDesktop": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointOnMobile": true,
"autoPauseOnCuePointPlayButtonUrl": "string",
"pauseWhenRelatedIsShown": true,
"readQualities": true,
"enableGravityChange": true,
"forceSound": true,
"showPlayerControlsDuringVideoAdvertisement": true,
"enableHapticFeedbackOnButtonClick": true,
"enableHapticFeedbackOnPinchToZoom": true,
"usePortraitMode": true,
"adAnnouncementState": true,
"adAnnouncementTimeBeforeAd": 0,
"afterMidrollBacktrackState": true,
"afterMidrollBacktrackTime": 0,
"releaseChannel": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"originalPath": "string",
"templateOriginalPath": "string"
"playerSizeType": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"preloadOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string",
"tooltipText": "string"
"defaultBandwidthEstimateOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"sharingType": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"responsiveSizeOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"width": 0,
"height": 0
"logoPositionOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"floatPositionOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"adSchedule": {
"adManagerId": 0,
"vpaidModeOptionId": 0,
"publicId": "string",
"name": "string",
"adScheduleTypeId": 0,
"adSeenOnSubsequentVisitOptionId": 0,
"vmapAdTag": "string",
"timeBetweenAds": 0,
"startOnPlaylistItem": 0,
"repeatOnInterval": 0,
"enableBidding": true,
"enableProgrammability": true,
"biddingTemplatePublicId": "string",
"vpaidModeOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"adSeenOnSubsequentVisitOption": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"adManager": {
"id": 0,
"Value": "string"
"adScheduleType": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"value": "string",
"description": "string"
"adWorkflows": [
"id": 0,
"adScheduleId": "string",
"adFunctionId": 0,
"adFunctionName": "string",
"order": 0
"socialNetworkIds": [
"controlBarTextColor": "string",
"controlBarIconsDefaultColor": "string",
"controlBarIconsHoverColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderProgressColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderRailColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderDraggerColor": "string",
"controlBarBackgroundColor": "string",
"controlBarTimesliderBufferColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeDraggerColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeProgressColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeRailColor": "string",
"controlBarVolumeNotifierColor": "string",
"controlBarTimeSliderOnAdDraggerColor": "string",
"controlBarTimeSliderOnAdProgressColor": "string",
"controlBarTimeSliderOnAdRailColor": "string",
"controlBarLoaderColor": "string",
"menuLinksDefaultColor": "string",
"menuLinksHoverColor": "string",
"menuBackroundDefaultColor": "string",
"menuBackroundHoverColor": "string",
"menuAutoplayOnColor": "string",
"menuAutoplayOffColor": "string",
"nextVideoBackgroundColor": "string",
"nextVideoTextColor": "string",
"nextVideoTsRailColor": "string",
"nextVideoTsProgressColor": "string",
"nextVideoTsIconsCloseColor": "string",
"nextVideoIconsPlayDefaultColor": "string",
"nextVideoIconsPlayHoverColor": "string",
"nextVideoCancelTextColor": "string",
"nextVideoCancelBackgroundColor": "string",
"nextVideoPlayNowTextColor": "string",
"nextVideoPlayNowBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistTextColor": "string",
"playlistCardBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistCardTitleColor": "string",
"playlistCardDurationTextColor": "string",
"playlistCardDurationBackgroundColor": "string",
"playlistCardIconPlayDefaulColor": "string",
"playlistCardIconPlayHoverColor": "string",
"playlistIconsArrActiveColor": "string",
"playlistIconsArrInactiveColor": "string",
"playlistIconsCloseColor": "string",
"tooltipsTextColor": "string",
"tooltipsBackroundColor": "string"

Information about the fields that appear when you receive the response are displayed in the table below.

Field NameTypeDescription
successboolIf the response is successful it will return true. Otherwise will return false.
errorsarray[]Indicates if there was an error.
messagesarray[]Returns the response message from back-end.
resultarray[Object]Returns the response object.
publicIdstringThe public ID of the player.
namestringThe name of the player.
loopContentboolIndicates whether the content should be looped.
muteOnStartboolIndicates whether the player is muted on start.
floatOnScrollboolIndicates whether the player should be in a float state when scrolling.
autoPauseWhenNotViewableboolIndicates whether the player should pause when it becomes unviewbale.
enablePlaybackRateControlsboolIndicates whther the playback rate controls are enabled.
sharingboolIndicates whether the sharing option is available.
castingboolIndicates whether the casting option is available.
googleAnalyticsboolIndicates whether Google Analytics are enabled.
includeCompatibilityScriptboolIndicates wether the compatibility script is included.
showContentTitleboolIndicates whether the player should show the content title.
showContentDescriptionboolIndicates whether the playr should show the content description.
showControlsboolIndicates whether the playr should show the controls.
recommendationboolIndicates whether the recommendation section is enabled.
advertisingboolIndicates whether advertising is enabled.
showControlsOnVPAIDboolIndicates whether the player should show the controls on VPAID.
oustreamPlayerboolIndicates whether the player is outstreamed.
dispAdvertisementAboveboolIndicates whether the advertisement above the player should be displayed.
autoCollapseAfterAdsboolIndicates whether the player should auto collapse after ads.
preloadAdsboolIndicates whether ads should be preloaded.
companionAdsboolIndicates whether companion ads are enabled.
playAdsMutedboolIndicates whether ads should be played on mute
keepVisibleWhenControlsHiddenboolIndicates whether the player is visible when the controls are hidden.
debugboolIndicates wether debugging is enabled.
chromeCastButtonboolIndicates whether the chromecast button is enabled.
nextButtonboolIndicates whether the next button is enabled.
airplayButtonboolIndicates whether the airplay button is enabled.
settingsButtonboolIndicates whether the settings button is enabled.
bigPlayButtonboolIndicates whether the main play button is enabled.
autoPlayboolIndicates whether auto play is enabled.
mutedboolIndicates whether the player is muted.
floatDismissibleboolIndicates whether the float option is dismissible.
logoOnboolIndicates whether the logo is on the player.
adsRequireInteractionboolIndicates whether the ads require interaction.
focusOnAutoStartboolIndicates whether the player is in a focus state on auto start.
floatOnMobileboolIndicates whether the player should have a float state on mobile versions.
floatRequiresInteractionboolIndicates whether the float option requires interaction.
floatWidthstringIndicates the width of the float
logoUrlstringThe URL of the logo.
logoOnClickUrlstringThe URL of the "on click" state of the logo.
logoDefaultOpacityinteger($int32)The default opacity of the logo.
logoInactiveOpacityinteger($int32)The opacity of the logo when it is inactive.
channelUrlstringThe URL of the channel.
widthinteger($int32)The width of the player.
heightinteger($int32)The height of the player
adScheduleIdinteger($int32)The Id of the ad schedule.
playerSizeTypeIdinteger($int32)The Id of the player size type.
prelaodOptioninteger($int32)The preload option.
defaultBandwidthEstimateOptioninteger($int32)The default bandwidth estimate option.
sharingTypeIdinteger($int32)The id of the sharing type.
logoPositionOptionIdinteger($int32)The id of the logo position option.
floatPositionOptioninteger($int32)The id of the float position option.
responsiveOptionIdinteger($int32)The id of the responsive option.
releaseChannelIdinteger($int32)The id of the release channel
sharingTooltipstringThe sharing tooltip. Appears when the cursor is positioned over the sharing icon.
rightClickTextstringThe text that appears when you right-click.
rightClickUrlstringThe URL of the right-click.
countDownMessagestringIndicates the time until the video starts.
cueTextstringThe cue text of the ad.
skipCountDownstringIndicates whether the countdown should be skipped.
companionAdsDivIdstringThe div id of the companion ads.
companionAdsWidthinteger($int32)The height of the companion ad.
companionAdsHeightinteger($int32)The height of the companion ad.
volumeinteger($int32)The volume of the player.
skipAmountinteger($int32)The amount of seconds a skip makes.
skipAmountinteger($int32)The amount of seconds a skip makes.
playstringThe word "play" in a specific language.
PausestringThe word "pause" in a specific language.
NextstringThe word "next" in a specific language.
ReplaystringThe word "replay" in a specific language.
VolumestringThe word "volume" in a specific language.
MutestringThe word "mute" in a specific language.
UnmutestringThe word "unmute" in a specific language.
SettingsstringThe word "settings" in a specific language.
FullscreenstringThe word "fullscreen" in a specific language.
ChromecaststringThe word "chromecast" in a specific language.
AirplaystringThe word "airplay" in a specific language.
QualitystringThe word "quality" in a specific language.
SubtitlesstringThe word "subtitles" in a specific language.
TheaterstringThe word "theater" in a specific language.
SkipstringThe word "skip" in a specific language.
SkipInstringThe word "skip in" in a specific language.
VisitstringThe word "visit" in a specific language.
InfostringThe word "info" in a specific language.
autoStartOnboolIndicates whether the player has auto start enabled.
autoStartOnDataboolIndicates whether the player has auto start enabled.
autoStartPlayPercentageinteger($int32)Indicates on which percentage is auto start enabled.
autoPauseOnboolIndicates whether the player has auto pause enabled.
autoPauseOnPercentageinteger($int32)Indicates on which percentage is auto pause enabled.
pauseOtherVideosboolIndicates whether the other videos should be paused.
autoStartOnLoadObjectAn object with the autostart properties of the player when the page loads.
autoStartOnLoadMobileboolSpecifies if playback should start on load when the user is on mobile.
autoStartOnLoadOnDataboolSpecifies if playback should start on load when the user is on mobile data.
autoStartOnViewableObjectAn object with the autostart properties of the player dependin on its viewability.
autoStartOnViewableMobileboolSpecifies if this property should be on when the user is on mobile data.
autoStartOnViewableOnDataboolSpecifies if this property should be on when the user is on mobile data.
autoStartOnViewablePercentageinteger($int32)Value range: 1-0, specifies what percentage of the video should be visible for video to start.
autoPauseOnViewableOnboolAn object with the auto pause properties.
autoPauseOnViewablePercentageinteger($int32)Value range: 1-0, specifies what percentage of the video should be visible for video to start.
releaseChannelObjectReturns the release channel.
idinteger($int32)The id of the release channel.
namestringThe name of the release channel.
originalPathstringThe original path of the release channel.
templateOriginalPathstringThe original path of the template release channel.
playerSizeTypeObjectReturns the player size type.
idinteger($int32)The id of the player size type.
namestringThe name of the player size type.
preloadOptionObjectReturns the preload option.
idinteger($int32)The id of the preload option.
namestringThe name of the preload option.
valuestringThe value of the preload option.
tooltipTextstringGives a description about the preload option.
defaultBandwidthEstimateOptionObjectReturns the default bandwidth estimate option.
idinteger($int32)The id of the default bandwidth estimate option.
namestringThe name of the default bandwidth estimate option.
valuestringThe value of the default bandwidth estimate option.
sharingTypeObjectReturns the sharing type
responsiveSizeOptionObjectReturns the responsive size option.
idinteger($int32)The id of the responsive size option.
namestringThe name of the responsive size option.
logoPositionOptionObjectReturns the logo position option.
idinteger($int32)The id of the logo position option.
namestringThe name of the logo position option.
valuestringThe value of the logo position option.
floatPositionOptionObjectReturns the float position option.
idinteger($int32)The id of the float position option.
namestringThe name of the float position option.
valuestringThe value of the float position option.
adScheduleIdstringThe id of the ad schedule.
defaultConfigObjectObject that contains all of the configurations.
playerSocialNetworksarray[Object]Returns the social networks of the player.
controlbartextcolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar.
controlbariconsdefaultcolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar icon.
controlbariconshovercolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar when hovering.
controlbartimesliderprogresscolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar slider.
controlbartimesliderrailcolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar timeslider.
controlbartimesliderdraggercolorstringIndicates the color of the dragger of the control bar timeslider.
controlbartimesliderbuffercolorstringIndicates the color of the buffer of the control bar timeslider.
controlbarvolumedraggercolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar volume dragger.
controlbarvolumeprogresscolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar volume progress.
controlbarvolumerailcolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar volume rail.
controlbarvolumenotifiercolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar volume notifier.
menulinksdefaultcolorstringIndicates the color of the links menu.
menulinkshovercolorstringIndicates the color of the links menu when hovering.
menubackrounddefaultcolorstringIndicates the color of the menu background.
menubackroundhovercolorstringIndicates the color of the menu background when hovering.
menuautoplayoncolorstringIndicates the color of the menu auto-play when on.
menuautoplayoffcolorstringIndicates the color of the menu auto-play when off.
controlbarbackgroundcolorstringIndicates the color of the control bar background.
tooltipstextcolorstringIndicates the color of the tooltips text.
tooltipsbackroundcolorstringIndicates the color of the tooltips background.
controlbartimeslideronaddraggercolorstringIndicates the color of the dragger of the control bar timeslider.
controlbartimeslideronadprogresscolorstringIndicates the color of the ad progress of the control bar timeslider.
controlbartimeslideronadrailcolorstringIndicates the color of the ad rail of the control bar timeslider.
resultInfostringReturns extra information about the result.
statusCodeinteger($int32)Returns the HTTP Status Code.

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 or 201 response.


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code 400: Bad Request

  • HTTP Status Code 401: Unauthorized

  • HTTP Status Code 403: Forbidden

  • HTTP Status Code 404: Result Not Found

  • HTTP Status Code 500: Internal Server Error

  • HTTP Status Code 503: Backend Fetch Failed