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POST to Get Videos for a Specific Playlist

The following table contains important information about the POST method in regards to getting videos for a specific playlist.

POST to Get Videos for a Specific Playlist
URL or Endpoint/api/projects/projectId/playlists/getVideos
BodyCheck the request body below.

The description of the URL parameter is as follows:

projectId URL Parameter
URL Parameter NameprojectId
DescriptionUnique Id of the project.

Request Body

"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result": {
"publicId": "lzxikfcg",
"title": "Playlist 2",
"description": null,
"playListTypeId": 2,
"playlistSortOptionId": 1,
"includeTags": [],
"excludeTags": [],
"includeTagModeId": null,
"excludeTagModeId": null,
"maxVideos": null,
"canEmbed": true,
"includeTagMode": null,
"excludeTagMode": null,
"playlistType": null,
"playlistSortOption": null
"resultInfo": null,
"statusCode": 200

Information about the fields that appear when you receive the response are displayed in the table below.

Field NameTypeDescription
successboolIf the response is successful it will return true. Otherwise will return false.
errorsarray[]Indicates if there was an error.
messagesarray[]Returns the response message from back-end.
resultarray[Object]Returns the response object.
publicIdstringThe id of the playlist.
titlestringThe title of the playlist.
descriptionstringReturns information about the playlist.
playlistTypeIdinteger($int32)The id of the playlist type.
playlistSortOptionIdinteger($int32)The id of the playlist sorting option.
includeTagsarray[string]An array that contains the tags you want to include in the playlist.
excludeTagsarray[string]An array that contains the tags you want to include in the playlist.
includeTagModeIdinteger($int32)The id of the includeTag mode.
excludeTagModeIdinteger($int32)The id of the excludeTag mode.
maxVideosinteger($int32)The number of maximum videos in the playlist.
canEmbedboolA boolean that indicates whether the playlist can be embedded or not.
includeTagModearray[Object]Returns the includeTag mode as an array of objects.
excludeTagModearray[Object]Returns the excludeTag mode as an array of objects.
playlistTypearray[Object]Returns the playlist type as an array of objects.
playlistSortOptionarray[Object]Returns the palylist sort option as ana array of objects.
resultInfostringReturns extra information about the result.
statusCodeinteger($int32)Returns the HTTP Status Code.


"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result": [
"MediaID": "vjsmxlol",
"title": "Renault Clio R.S. a Toyota Yaris GRMN",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"duration": 343
"MediaID": "vjsmxlok",
"title": "Škoda Fabia s milionem kilometrů: Historie auta",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"duration": 202
"MediaID": "vjsmxloj",
"title": " Nové BMW X5 na prvních fotkách létá vzduchem. Zvládne každý terén? \t ",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"duration": 60
"MediaID": "vjsmxloi",
"title": "Dakar 2019, Peterhansel, Sainz, Despres",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"duration": 204
"MediaID": "vjsmxloh",
"title": "Chrysler TV-8 (1950-1956): Obojživelný atomový brouk s pásy",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"duration": 292
"MediaID": "vjsmxlog",
"title": "Hliníková karoserie nové Audi A8",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"duration": 185
"MediaID": "vjsmxlof",
"title": "Škoda Vision E - elektrické otevírání dveří",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"duration": 43
"MediaID": "vjsmxloe",
"title": "Citroën C5 Aircross - oficiální video k premiéře v Šanghaji",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"duration": 95
"MediaID": "vjsmxlod",
"title": "Mercedes-Benz S: Představení modernizované verze",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"duration": 168
"MediaID": "vjsmxloc",
"title": "Nissan Leaf, Budapest, video, prezentace,",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"duration": 41
"resultInfo": null,
"statusCode": 200

Information about the fields that appear when you receive the response are displayed in the table below.

Field NameTypeDescription
successboolIf the response is successful it will return true. Otherwise will return false.
errorsarray[]Indicates if there was an error.
messagesarray[]Returns the response message from back-end.
resultarray[Object]Returns the response object.
MediaIDstringThe Id of the video.
titlestringThe title of the video.
thumbnailUrlstringThe URL of the thumbnail.
durationinteger($int32)The duration of the video in seconds.
resultInfostringReturns extra information about the result.
statusCodeinteger($int32)Returns the HTTP Status Code.

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 or 201 response.


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code 400: Bad Request

  • HTTP Status Code 401: Unauthorized

  • HTTP Status Code 403: Forbidden

  • HTTP Status Code 404: Result Not Found

  • HTTP Status Code 500: Internal Server Error

  • HTTP Status Code 503: Backend Fetch Failed