GET Wrapper By Id
The table below provides information about the GET
method for managing the process of retrieving a wrapper by its ID.
GET Wrapper By Id | |
Method | GET |
URL or Endpoint | /api/projects/projectId /wrappers/publicId |
Headers | Authorization |
Parameters | publicId, projectId |
Body | Not Applicable |
The description of the URL parameter is as follows:
URL Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
projectId | Yes | string | Unique Id of the project. |
publicId | Yes | string | Unique Id of the wrapper. |
Request Body
method doesn't contain a request body.
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result": {
"publicId": "publicId",
"name": "name",
"description": "description",
"bidderTimeOut": 10000,
"serverTimeOut": 12000,
"coopaInvertory": false,
"autoUpdate": false,
"adUnits": [
"adServerCurrency": 3,
"bidOptionType": "bidOptionType",
"auctionDelay": 0,
"priceGranularities": [
"cap": 10,
"increment": 1
"cap": 20,
"increment": 2
"bidders": [
"id": 2,
"bidderId": 8,
"status": true,
"cpmAdjustmentEnabled": false,
"adjustmentValue": null,
"adjustmentReason": "",
"adUnitBidderValues": [
"adUnitBidderId": 2,
"bidParamId": 10,
"value": "value",
"placeholder": "propertyId"
"adUnitBidderId": 2,
"bidParamId": 10,
"value": "value",
"placeholder": "placementId"
"resultInfo": null,
"statusCode": 200
Information about the fields that appear when you receive the response are displayed in the table below.
Field Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | If the response is successful, it will return true. Otherwise, it will return false. |
errors | array[string] | Indicates if there was an error. |
messages | array[string] | Returns the response message from the back-end. |
result | object | Returns the result object with relevant data. |
publicId | string | The unique public identifier of the wrapper. |
name | string | Name of the wrapper. |
description | string | Description of the wrapper. |
bidderTimeOut | integer | The bidder timeout value (in milliseconds). |
serverTimeOut | integer | The server timeout value (in milliseconds). |
coopaInvertory | bool | Flag indicating if co-op inventory is enabled. |
autoUpdate | bool | Flag indicating if auto-update is enabled. |
adUnits | array[object] | List of ad units with detailed configurations. |
adServerCurrency | integer | The currency used by the ad server. |
bidOptionType | string | The type of bid option used. |
auctionDelay | integer | The auction delay time (in milliseconds). |
priceGranularities | array[object] | Price granularity settings for the auction. |
cap | integer | The price cap for a given granularity. |
increment | integer | The increment value for a given granularity. |
bidders | array[object] | List of bidders and their configuration details. |
id | integer | The bidder's unique identifier. |
bidderId | integer | The unique ID of the bidder. |
status | bool | The status of the bidder (true if active). |
cpmAdjustmentEnabled | bool | Indicates if CPM adjustment is enabled for the bidder. |
adjustmentValue | nullable | The adjustment value (if any). |
adjustmentReason | string | The reason for the adjustment. |
adUnitBidderValues | array[object] | List of ad unit-specific bidder values. |
adUnitBidderId | integer | The unique ID of the ad unit bidder. |
bidParamId | integer | The bid parameter ID. |
value | string | The value for the bid parameter. |
placeholder | string | The placeholder for the parameter (e.g., propertyId, placementId). |
resultInfo | string | Returns additional information about the result. |
statusCode | integer | Returns the HTTP status code (e.g., 200). |
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 or 201 response.
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:
HTTP Status Code 400: Bad Request
HTTP Status Code 401: Unauthorized
HTTP Status Code 403: Forbidden
HTTP Status Code 404: Result Not Found
HTTP Status Code 500: Internal Server Error
HTTP Status Code 503: Backend Fetch Failed