GET Videos
The following table contains information about the GET
method for managing the process that returns all the videos.
GET Videos | |
Method | GET |
URL or Endpoint | /api/projects/projectId /videos |
Headers | Authorization |
Parameters | projectId, search, order, insertedDate, page, take, folderId, folderview, onlyReadyVideos, onlyPublishedVideos, key, value, author, videoPropertyType, videoPropertyValue, isLive, parentVideoId, visibilityOptionIds |
Body | Not Applicable |
The description of the URL parameter is as follows:
projectId Parameter | |
URL Parameter Name | projectId |
Mandatory | Yes |
Type | string |
Description | Unique Id of the project. |
The description of the parameters is as follows:
Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
folderId | No | string | Folder ID where the video is stored (if applicable) |
folderview | No | string | View type of the folder |
onlyReadyVideos | No | bool | Filter to include only ready videos |
onlyPublishedVideos | No | bool | Filter to include only published videos |
key | No | string | Key for custom parameters |
value | No | string | Value for custom parameters |
author | No | string | Author of the video content |
videoPropertyType | No | string | Type of video property |
videoPropertyValue | No | string | Value of video property |
isLive | No | bool | Indicates if the video is live |
parentVideoId | No | string | ID of the parent video (if applicable) |
visibilityOptionIds | No | array[integer] | List of visibility option IDs |
search | No | string | Text that is used for filtering |
order | No | string | Order by date or not |
insertedDate | No | Date | Date when the video was inserted |
page | No | integer($int32) | The specific page to take |
take | No | integer($int32) | Number of videos to take |
Request Body
method doesn't contain a request body.
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result": {
"currentPage": 1,
"totalPages": 65,
"pageSize": 10,
"totalCount": 644,
"items": [
"title": "{title}",
"mediaId": "{videoId}",
"author": "{author}",
"videoAuthor": "{videoAuthor}",
"deletedBy": "{deletedBy}",
"updateDate": "{updateDate}",
"thumbnailUrl": "{thumbnailUrl}",
"status": "{status}",
"duration": 0.0,
"publishDate": "2022-03-24T10:35:11.964Z",
"canEmbed": false,
"canPreview": false,
"highlight": {},
"folderId": null,
"progress": 0,
"progressTillReadiness": 0,
"estimatedFinishTime": "{estimatedFinishTime}",
"showEncodingProgress": false,
"visibilityOptionId": 0,
"visibilityOption": 0,
"playbackUrl": "{playbackUrl}",
"errorId": null,
"error": null,
"tags": [],
"customParameters": [
"id": 0,
"key": "{key}",
"value": "{value}"
"videoProperties": null
"resultInfo": null,
"statusCode": 200
Information about the fields that appear when you receive the response are displayed in the table below.
Field Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | If the response is successful it will return true. Otherwise will return false |
errors | array[string] | Indicates if there was an error |
messages | array[string] | Returns the response message from back-end |
result | array[Object] | Returns the response object |
currentPage | integer($int32) | Number of the current page |
totalPages | integer($int32) | Number of the total page |
pageSize | integer($int32) | The size of the page |
totalCount | integer($int32) | Number of the total records |
items | array[Object] | Array of records, each containing details about the video |
title | string | Title of the video |
mediaId | string | Public Id of the video |
author | string | Author of the video content |
videoAuthor | string | Author of the video (if different from the content author) |
deletedBy | string | Entity that deleted the video |
updateDate | Date | The last update date of the video |
thumbnailUrl | string | URL of the thumbnail image |
status | string | Status of the video (e.g., "Ready") |
duration | float | Duration of the video in seconds |
publishDate | Date | The date when the video was published |
canEmbed | bool | Indicates whether the video can be embedded |
canPreview | bool | Indicates whether the video can be previewed |
highlight | object | Contains highlight information (if any) |
folderId | string | Folder ID where the video is stored (if applicable) |
progress | integer($int32) | The current progress of the video processing (as percentage) |
progressTillReadiness | integer($int32) | The progress towards readiness (as percentage) |
estimatedFinishTime | string | The estimated finish time for the video processing |
showEncodingProgress | bool | Indicates whether to show encoding progress |
visibilityOptionId | integer($int32) | Visibility option ID (e.g., 1 for public visibility) |
visibilityOption | string | Visibility option (e.g., "Public") |
playbackUrl | string | URL for video playback |
errorId | integer($int32) | Identifier for any error that occurred (if applicable) |
error | string | Error message (if any) |
tags | array[string] | Tags associated with the video |
customParameters | array[Object] | Custom parameters related to the video, such as metadata |
videoProperties | object | Additional properties related to the video (if applicable) |
resultInfo | string | Extra information about the result |
statusCode | integer($int32) | Returns the HTTP Status Code |
For more information about the possible errorId
and error
values, see Error Codes.
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 or 201 response.
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:
HTTP Status Code 400: Bad Request
HTTP Status Code 401: Unauthorized
HTTP Status Code 403: Forbidden
HTTP Status Code 404: Result Not Found
HTTP Status Code 500: Internal Server Error
HTTP Status Code 503: Backend Fetch Failed