GET Videos by Public Id
The following table contains information about the GET
method for managing the process of retrieving a specific video by id.
GET Videos by PublicId | |
Method | GET |
URL or Endpoint | /api/projects/projectId /videos/id |
Headers | Authorization |
Parameters | id, projectId |
Body | Not Applicable |
The description of the URL parameter is as follows:
URL Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
projectId | Yes | string | Unique Id of the project |
id | Yes | string | Unique id of the encoded video |
Request Body
method doesn't contain a request body.
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result": {
"publicId": "{videoId}",
"id": "{videoId}",
"name": "{name}",
"title": "{title}",
"description": "",
"thumbnailUrl": "{projectId}/encode/{videoId}/thumbnails/retina.jpg",
"filmstripUrl": "{projectId}/encode/{videoId}/thumbnails/filmstrip0.jpg",
"filmstripVttUrl": "{projectId}/encode/{videoId}/thumbnails/filmstrip.vtt",
"publishDate": "2024-05-21T10:01:11.833481",
"publishEndDate": null,
"shareUrl": "string",
"liveCutStartDate": null,
"liveCutEndDate": null,
"insertDate": "2024-05-21T08:01:05.4141661",
"publishStatusId": 2,
"publishStatusName": "Ready",
"duration": 150,
"userName": null,
"categoryId": null,
"publicAdScheduleId": null,
"restrictionId": null,
"skipIntroState": false,
"skipIntroFrom": null,
"skipIntroTo": null,
"geoBlockingRuleId": null,
"customOverlayState": false,
"chapterState": true,
"canEmbed": true,
"canPreview": true,
"source": "",
"author": "",
"isLive": "False",
"visibilityOptionId": 1,
"visibilityOption": "Public",
"videoLockState": false,
"lockAfter": 0,
"password": "1234",
"passwordProtectedTitle": "",
"passwordProtectedDescription": "",
"tagNames": [],
"customParameters": [],
"flagIds": null,
"geoBlockingRule": null,
"customOverlays": [
"caption": "test",
"secondsFrom": 1,
"secondsTo": 63,
"position": 2
"chapters": [
"title": "Introduction",
"time": 50
"title": "Chapter 2",
"time": 90
"title": "End",
"time": 150
"resultInfo": null,
"statusCode": 200
Information about the fields that appear when you receive the response are displayed in the table below.
Field Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | If the response is successful it will return true. Otherwise will return false |
errors | array[string] | Indicates if there was an error |
messages | array[string] | Returns the response message from back-end |
result | array[Object] | Returns the response object |
publicId | string | The unique Id of the encoded video |
id | integer($int32) | Unique id of video |
name | string | Title of the video |
title | string | Title of the video |
description | string | Description of the video |
thumbnailUrl | string | URL of the video's thumbnail image |
filmstripUrl | string | URL of the filmstrip image sequence |
filmstripVttUrl | string | URL of the WebVTT file for the filmstrip |
publishDate | Date | Date and time when the video was published |
publishEndDate | Date | Date and time when video will not be available |
shareUrl | String | A share URL redirects viewers to a custom destination when they share a video; if not provided, the player shares the video's embed location |
liveCutStartDate | Date | Start date and time for a live cut |
liveCutStartDate | Date | End date and time for a live cut |
insertDate | Date | Date and time when the video was inserted |
publishStatusId | integer($int32) | Id of the video's publish status |
publishStatusName | string | The name of the publish status |
duration | string | Duration of the video in seconds |
userName | string | The name of the user who uploaded the video |
categoryId | integer($int32) | Id of the category |
publicAdScheduleId | string | The public Id of the ad schedule |
restrictionId | integer($int32) | Id of the restriction |
skipIntroState | boolean | The state of the skip intro option |
skipIntroFrom | integer($int32) | The start time in seconds for skipping the intro |
skipIntroTo | integer($int32) | The end time in seconds for skipping the intro |
geoBlockingRuleId | integer($int32) | The Id of the geo blocking rule |
customOverlayState | bool | Indicates whether custom overlays are enabled |
chapterState | bool | Indicates whether chapters are enabled |
canEmbed | bool | Indicates whether the video can be embedded |
canPreview | bool | Indicates whether the video can be viewed |
source | string | The source of the video |
author | string | The author of the video |
isLive | string | Indicates whether the video is live |
visibilityOptionId | integer($int32) | The id of visibility option |
visibilityOption | string | The name of the visibility option |
videoLockState | bool | Indicates whether the video is locked |
lockAfter | integer($int32) | The number of seconds after which the video locks |
password | string | The password for accessing the video |
passwordProtectedTitle | string | Custom player title for password protected videos |
passwordProtectedDescription | string | Custom player description for password protected videos |
tagNames | array[string] | An array of video tags |
customParameters | array[Object] | An array of custom parameters |
flagIds | array[integer($int32)] | An array of flag Ids |
geoblockingRule | string | The geoblocking rule applied to the video |
customOverlays | array[Object] | Return an array of custom overlays |
caption | string | The text of the custom overlay |
secondsFrom | integer($int32) | The start time in seconds |
secondsTo | integer($int32) | The end time in seconds |
positon | integer($int32) | The the position of custom overlay |
chapters | array[Object] | Returns an array of chapters |
title | string | The title of the chapter |
time | integer($int32) | The end time for the specific chapter |
resultInfo | string | Returns extra information about the result |
statusCode | integer($int32) | Returns the HTTP Status Code |
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 or 201 response.
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:
HTTP Status Code 400: Bad Request
HTTP Status Code 401: Unauthorized
HTTP Status Code 403: Forbidden
HTTP Status Code 404: Result Not Found
HTTP Status Code 500: Internal Server Error
HTTP Status Code 503: Backend Fetch Failed