Player configuration
Property | Description |
title | A string that is empty by default, which represents the title of the video. |
videoId | A string that is empty by default, which represents the Id of the video. |
thumbnail | A string that is empty by default, which reporesents the video thumbnail. |
duration | A Double that is 0.0 by default, which represemts the video duration. |
description | A string that is empty by default, which represents the video descripton. |
live | A Boolean that is false by default, which indicates whether the video is live. |
liveType | A string that is LiveType.None.type (enum ) by default, which represents the type of live video. |
entityId | An string that is empty by default, which represents the entity Id of the video. |
serieEntityId | An Int that is 0 by default, which represents the entity Id of Serie. |
adId | A string that is empty by default, which represents the Id of Video Ads. |
videoSource | A string that is empty by default, which represents the source of the video file. |
skipIntro | This config which is of the SkipIntroModel type represents the model of Skip Intro. |
ads | This config which is of the AdsModel type represents the model of Ads. |
advertising | A Boolean that is true by default, which when set to false won't show advertising on your video. |
filmStripImageUrl | A string that is empty by default, represents the FilmStrip Image Url. |
startTime | An Int that is 0 by default,, which represents the video start time. |
sdkPlaylist | This config which is of the PlaylistModel type represents the model of the playlist. |
subtitles | This config which is of the ArrayList<VPSubtitleModel> represents the video subtitles. |
hasDRM | A Boolean that is false by default, which should be set to true if video has drm. |
offlineMediaItem | This config which is of the MediaItem type and is null by default, represents the MediaItem of Offline Media. |
downloadCache | This config which is of the type and is null by default, represents the Cache for Offline Media. |
shareUrl | A string that is empty by default, which represents the Share Url of the video. |
serieId | A string that is empty by default, which represents the Id of the serie. |
useCustomPlaylist | A boolean that is false by default, which indicates whether the video will have a custom playlist. |
castVideoSource | A string that is empty by default, which represents the source to be played in cast mode. |
Config | Description |
configId | A string that is empty by default, which represents the Id of Config. |
logo | The Logo Model which is of the LogoModel type. |
loop | A boolean that is false by default, which allows you to enable video loop. |
controls | This config which is of the ControlsModel type allows you to set the controls buttons visibility. |
lang | This config which is of the LanguageModel type allows you to set text localizations. |
autostartOnLoad | This config which is of the AutoStartOnLoadModel type allows you to auto start on video load. |
skin | This config which is of the SkinModel type allows you to set the player skins (colours). |
prebid | This config which is of the PrebidModel type, allows you to set up the prebid. |
showPlayerControlsDuringVideoAdvertisement | A boolean that is false by default, which when set to true will show the controls during a video ad. |
autoPlayDefaultEnabled | A boolean that is false by default, which will disable the auto play switch. |
userId | An int that is 0 by default, which represents the user Id which is used as a custom parameter on DRM. |
enableHapticFeedbackOnButtonClick | A boolean that is true by default, which when set to false will not perform haptic feedback on button clicks. |
enableHapticFeedbackOnPinchToZoom | A boolean that is true by default, which when set to false if will not perform haptic feedback on pinch to zoom. |
readQualities | A boolean that is true by default, which when set to false will not read the video qualities from HLS. |
readSubtitlesFromHLS | A boolean that is false by default, which when set to true will read the video subtitles from HLS. |
delayLiveVideosTime | A long that is 3000 by default, which allows you to set the desired delay time for live videos in ms. |
delayLiveVideos | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to use start time in the initializePlayer() method. |
enablePreRollAdvertisements | A boolean that is true by default, which when set to false allows you to disable pre roll advertisements. |
enableMidAndPostRollAdvertisements | A boolean that is true by default, which when set to false allows you to disable advertisements for mid roll and post roll. |
usePortraitMode | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to use portrait mode. |
usePinchToZoomFeature | A boolean that is true by default, which when set to false will disable the "Pinch to zoom" feature. |
useChromeCastInBackgroundMode | A boolean that is true by default, which when set to false will not use chromecast in background mode. |
useChromeCast | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to use chromecast. |
useChromeCastAutoPlay | A boolean that is true by default, which allows to enable auto play of chromecast videos. |
enableUnspecifiedOrientationOnCloseFullScreen | A boolean that is false by default, which when set to true allows you to set unspecified orientation on close full screen. |
sliderHidden | A boolean that is false by default, which allows you to hide the slider. |
timeHidden | A boolean that is false by default, which allows you to hide the settings time. |
seekForwardButtonHidden | A boolean that is false by default, which allows you to hide the seek forward button. |
seekBackwardButtonHidden | A boolean that is false by default, which allows you hide the seek backward button. |
helperButtonHidden | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you hide the helper button. |
orientationEnabled | A boolean that is true by default, which enables screen orientation. |
spriteSheetHidden | A boolean that is false by default, which allows you to hide the sprite sheet. |
skipAmount | An Int that is 0 by default, which allows you to set the player seek forward and backward seconds. |
controlsBackgroundAlpha | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to set your background controls alpha. |
enablePreviousButton | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to enable the Next button in PlayerView. |
enableNextButton | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to enable the Previous button in PlayerView. |
autoInitializeRelatedVideos | A boolean that is false by default, which will not initialize related auto on startup. |
useCustomPlayerControls | A boolean that is false by default, which when set to true will allow you to set custom player controls. |
chromeCastApplicationId | A string that is empty by default, which allows you to set to your application id if you have one. |
helperButtonImageDrawable | An 'int' that is R.drawable.vp_minimize_player_icon by default, which indicates the desired button icon. |
dimensionRatio | A string that is 16:9 by default, which allows you to set the player dimension ratio. |
sliderBaseColor | An Int that is Color Int by default, which allows you to set the slider's base color. |
sliderPlayedColor | An Int that is Color Int by default, which allows you to set the slider's progress color. |
sliderBufferedColor | An Int that is Color Int by default, which allows you to set the slider's buffer color. |
sliderThumbColor | An Int that is Color Int by default, which allows you to set the player's slider thumb color. |
skipAmount | An Int that is 5 by default, which allows you to set the player seek forward and backward seconds. |
controlsBackgroundAlpha | An Float that is 0.45f by default, which allows you to set your background controls alpha. |
helperButtonImage | An Int that is R.drawable.vp_minimize_player_icon by default, which allows you to set your desired button icon. |
timeFont | This config which is of the TypeFont type has a mueso 500 value by default, and it allows you to set the player time font. |
pauseWhenRelatedIsShown | A boolean that is false by default, which when set to true will pause the video when related videos are shown in the player. |
enableGravityChange | A boolean that is true by default, which when set to false will disable gravity change in the video. |
forceSound | A boolean that is false by default, which when set to true will disable silent mode. |
Config | Description |
settingsButton | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to set the visibility of Settings Button. |
chromecastButton | A boolean that is false by default, which allows you to set the visibility of Chromecast Button. |
nextButtonVisibility | A boolean that is false by default, which allows you to set the visibility of Next Button. |
fullscreenButton | A boolean that is false by default, which allows you to set the visibility of Fullscreen Button. |
shareButton | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to set the visibility of Share Button. |
showQualities | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to set the visibility of video quality options. |
showCaptions | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to set the visibility of video captions. |
autoPlayShown | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to set the visibility of the auto-play button. |
delayLiveVideosTime | A 'long' that is 3000 by default, which indicates the desired delay time for live videos in ms. |
showLiveIcon | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to set the visibility of the live icon. |
showHelperButton | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to set the visibility of the help button. |
delayLiveVideos | A boolean that is true by default, which allows you to enable or disable delay in live videos. |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
state | Set to true if you want to use Skip Intro in your video | Boolean | false |
skipFrom | Second of video to skip from | Int | 0 |
skipTo | second of video to skip to | Long | 10 |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
vmap | Ads VMAP url | String | empty |
adBreaks | ArrayList of AdBreaks | ArrayList<VPAdModel>? | arrayListof() |
bidding | Set to true if you want to use Bidding | Boolean | false |
bidders | ArrayList of AdBiddersModel | ArrayList<AdBiddersModel> | arrayListof() |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
vastUrl | ArrayList of Strings with ad vast Url | ArrayList<String>? | arrayListOf() |
second | Ad Breake timing | Second | 0 |
breakTimingType | BreakTimingType enum: percentage or time | BreakTimingType | BreakTimingType.percentage |
breakType | Ad Break Type enum: preroll, midroll, postroll or none | AdBreakType | AdBreakType.none |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
state | State of playlist, set to true if you want to show playlist | Boolean | false |
playlistId | Id of Playlist | String | false |
title | Title of Playlist | String | empty |
videos | ArrayList of Videos on playlist | ArrayList<VPEntityModel> | arrayListOf() |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
entityId | Id of Video | String | empty |
title | Title of Video | String | empty |
thumbnailUrl | Video Thumbnail Url | String | empty |
serieName | Name of Serie | String | empty |
duration | Video Duration | Double | 0.0 |
durationString | Video Duration String | String | empty |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
subtitleLabel | Label of subtitles | String | empty |
subtitleLanguage | Language of Subtitle | String | empty |
subtitleUrl | Subtitle file url | String | empty |
mimeType | Mime Type of Subtitles | String | empty |
isSubtitleSelected | Is Subtitles Selected | Boolean | false |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
languageControlsModel | The controls model | LanguageControlsModel | |
settings | The settings model | SettingsModel |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
nextVideoCancel | The keyword for canceling the next video. | String | Cancel |
playNow | The keyword for playing the video. | String | Play Now |
settings | Settings Button Text Language | String | Settings |
chromecast | Chromecast Button Text Language | String | Chromecast |
airplay | Airplay Button Text Language | String | Airplay |
related | Related Button Text Language | String | Related |
skipIntro | SkipIntro Button Text Language | String | Skip Intro |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
onMobile | Set to false if you dont want to automatically play video on load | Boolean | true |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
quality | The language quality | String | Quality |
live | Live video | String | Live |
captionsOff | The video captions | String | Off |
chromeCastPlayingOn | The text that appears when chromecast is playing on a device | String | Chrome cast is playing on |
subtitles | The subtitles text | String | Subtitles |
autoplay | The auto play text | String | AutoPlay |
playbackRate | The playback rate text | String | Playback Rate |
auto | The auto text | String | Automatike |
autoPlayOff | The auto play off text | String | AutoPlay Off |
autoPlayOn | The auto play on text | String | AutoPlay On |
off | The off text | String | Off |
normal | The normal text | String | Normal |
share | The share text | String | Share |
dismiss | The dismiss text | String | Dismiss |
zoomedToFill | The zoomed to fill text | String | Zoomed to fill |
originalZoom | The original zoom text | String | Original Zoom |
Property | Description |
controlBar | This config which is of the ControlBarModel type represents the conrol bar skin model. |
menus | This config which is of the MenuModel type represents the settings menu skin model. |
nextVideo | This config which is of the NextVideoModel type represents the next video skin model. |
playlist | This config which is of the PlaylistSkinModel represents the playlist skin model. |
Property | Description |
text | A string that is #FFFFFF by default, which allows you to set the color of the control bar text. |
background | A string that is #FFFFFF by default, which allows you to set the color of the control bar background. |
loaderColor | A string that is #CC0000 by default, which allows you to set the color of the loader. |
controlsBackgroundAlpha | A float that is 0.45f by default, which allows you to set the opacity of the controls background. |
icons | This config which is of the IconsColorModel type represents the control bar icons model. |
timeslider | This config which is of the TimeSliderModel type represents the control bar timeslider skin model. |
Property | Description |
default | A string that is #FFFFFF by default, which allows you to set the default color of the icons. |
hover | A string that is #FFFFFF by default, which allows you to set the hover color of the icons. |
Property | Description |
default | A string that is #000000 by default, which allows you to set the default color of the background. |
hover | A string that is #000000 by default, which allows you to set the hover color of the background. |
Property | Description |
default | A string that is #FFFFFF by default, which allows you to set the default color of the links. |
hover | A string that is #CC0000 by default, which allows you to set the hover color of the links. |
Property | Description |
dragger | A string that is #CC0000 by default, which allows you to set the color of the dragger time slider. |
progress | A string that is #CC0000 by default, which allows you to set the color of the progress time slider. |
rail | A string that is #808080 by default, which allows you to set the color of the rail time slider. |
buffer | A string that is #E2E2E2 by default, which allows you to set the color of the buffer time slider. |
Property | Description |
background | This config which is of the BackgroundColorModel type represents the menu background model. |
links | This config which is of the LinksColorModel type represents the links model. |
autoplay | This config which is of the AutoPlayModel type represents the autoplay model. |
iconsImages | This config which is of the IconsImagesModel type represents the icons images model. |
primaryTextFont | This config which is of the TypeFace type and is Museo 700 by default, represents the primary text fonts. |
secondaryTextFont | This config which is of the TypeFace type and is Museo 500 by default, represents the secondary text fonts. |
Property | Description |
autoplayOn | A string that is #CC0000 by default, which allows you to set the color of the auto play on switch. |
autoplayOff | A string that is #A7A7A7 by default, which allows you to set the color of the auto play off switch. |
Property | Description |
shareImageIcon | An Int that is R.drawable.vp_share_icon by default, which represents the share image icon. |
qualityImageIcon | An Int that is R.drawable.vp_settings_icon by default, which represents the quality settings image icon. |
subtitleImageIcon | An Int that is R.drawable.vp_subtitles_icon by default, which represents the subtitles image icon. |
cancelImageIcon | An Int that is R.drawable.vp_close_image by default, which represents the cancel image icon. |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
background | Next video background color | String | #000000 |
text | Next video text color | String | #FFFFFF |
icons | Next video icons color | NextVideoIconsModel | NextVideoIconsModel |
cancel | Next video cancel button color | ButtonSkinModel | ButtonSkinModel |
playNow | Next video playNow button color | ButtonSkinModel | ButtonSkinModel |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
close | Next Video Close Icon Color | String | #FFFFFF |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
text | Next video button text color | String | #FFFFFF |
background | Next video button background color | String | #FFFFFF |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
background | Playlist Background color | String | #2E2E2E |
text | playlist text color | String | #FFFFFF |
card | playlist card color | CardModel | CardModel |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
background | Playlist Card Background color | String | #000000 |
title | Playlist Card Title color | String | #FFFFFF |
duration | Playlist Duration Colors model | DurationModel | DurationModel |
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
text | Playlist Duration Text Color | String | #FFFFFF |
background | Playlist Duration Background Color | String | #1A1A1A |