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Playlist initialization


Playlist initialization and functions

As of VP Player SDK for Android 2.5.+ Playlist content overlay is supported.

To initialize playlist you should add PlaylistModel to VideoModel.

Code example
var playlistModel = PlaylistModel(true, "Id of Playlist", "Title of Playlist",Array of Video Entity Models)
var videoModel = VideoModel()
videoModel.playlist = playlistModel

A player state event is fired whenever a video is finished, a video on a playlist is tapped, the next button or the back button is tapped.

Code example
videoPlayer?.setPlayerStateDelegate(object : PlayerStateDelegate {
override fun onPlayerStateChanged(playerEvent: PlayerEvent<Any>) {
if (playerEvent.type == PlayerState.RELATED_PLAYED) {
videoPlayer?.changeVideo("Video that should be played next")

playerEvent.value will return the EntityModel of Video that should play.


If you don't want to initialize the playlist automatically set autoInitializeRelatedVideos on configs to false.

Playlist Aditional functions

openRelatedOverlay() - Used to Show Playlist Overlay

closeRelatedOverlay() - Used to Hide Playlist Overlay