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This document provides basic configurations for the VP Player and its basic features. For the full configuration options, see the documentation. The following configurations are covered:

  • Video details
  • Playlist
  • Player size

Video details

You can set up the video details for the player, which can be used by the player for various features based on the configuration. Here is an example of how to set up the video details:

video: {
file: "the_video_file_path",
title: "",
description: "",
publishDate: "",
duration: 0,
description: "",
thumbnail: "",
filmstrip: "",
author: "",
source: "",
tags: []
video ObjectThis object contains in itself all of the properties shown below.
videoId stringThe ID of the video.
assetId stringThe ID used to setup DRM support.
fpsCertificateUrl stringThe URL of to the FPS (Fair Play Streaming) Certificate.
widevineLicenseUrl stringThe URL of the Widevine License.
title stringThe title of the video.
description stringThe description of the video.
file stringThe URL of a single video file or live stream (mp4, m3u8).
filmstrip stringThe URL of an image that the player will use to display a preview when seeking. (Must be 10x10 and 16:9 for now).
thumbnail stringThe URL of an image that serves as a thumbnail when the video has not started playing.
tracks ArrayArray of track objects that specify the different subtitles that the media item has.
duration intThe duration of the video.
live booleanA boolean indicating whether the video is live.
liveType numberA string - realtime, slowtv, etc.
advertising booleanA boolean indicating whether ads are on for the video.
related stringThis property represents the link of a playlist which will be parsed so that it can be played by the video player.
socialMedia array[string]An array of strings specifying the social media that should appear in the share functions. These are all-capital strings with the official social media names, e.g FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN, REDDIT, etc. Share functions won't be available if this array is left blank"].


You can set up a playlist on the player, which will automatically play the next video in the playlist after the current video ends. Here is an example of how to set up a playlist:

projectId: "vp-player-projectId",
config: {
configId: "vp-player-configId",
controls: {
relatedButton: true
showRelatedOnPause: {
state: true,
onMobile: false,
from: 0.9,
video: {
file: 'the_video_file_path',
playlist: {
state: true,
playlistVideoIndex: 0,
videos: [
videoId: "vp-player-videoId",
title: "Video Title",
thumbnailUrl: "the_video_thumbnail_path",
duration: 0 // video duration
vidoeId: "vp-player-videoId",
title: "Video Title",
thumbnailUrl: "the_video_thumbnail_path",
duration: 0 // video duration
vidoeId: "vp-player-videoId",
title: "Video Title",
thumbnailUrl: "the_video_thumbnail_path",
duration: 0 // video duration
playlist ObjectAn object which is used to setup a playlist of videos in the player.
state booleanDetermines whether the playlist should be setup by the player.
playlistId stringAllows the use of a playlist which has already been created on vpPlayer admin (takes priority over the videos array).
playlistVideoIndex intDetermines which video in the playlist will be played first.
highlightCurrentVideo booleanDetermines whether the current video being played should be highlighted in the playlist popup.
algorithm stringIf there is no playlistId and no videos array, then this algorithm will be used to determine what playlist to show.
title stringSets title for the playlist being used.
videos array[object]An array of objects following the same specified requirements of the video object used for the setup of the player.

Player size

The VP Player allows you to set the size of the player either through the DIV container or by setting the size properties directly in the config.size property. You can set a FIXED size or a RESPONSIVE size. Here are examples of how to set the player size:

config: {
size: {
sizeType: "FIXED",
width: 500,
height: 500
video: {
file: 'the_video_file_path',

config: {
size: {
sizeType: "RESPONSIVE",
aspectRatio: "16:9"
video: {
file: 'the_video_file_path',
size Object An object that contains information about the size of the video file.
sizeType stringA property that indicates the type of the size of the video file. This can either be FIXED or RESPONSIVE.
aspectRatio stringA property that inidcates the aspect ratio of the video file. This can be 16:9, 4:3, 1:1, etc.
width numberAn integer specifying the width of the player.
height numberAn integer specifying the height of the player.

If the size type is set to "FIXED", you can set the width and height of the player in pixels by specifying the width and height properties, respectively. For example:

config: {
size: {
sizeType: "FIXED",
width: 640,
height: 360

If the size type is set to "RESPONSIVE", you can set the aspect ratio of the player using the aspectRatio property. The aspect ratio is specified as a string in the format W:H, where W is the width and H is the height. For example, to set the aspect ratio to 1:1, you would use:

config: {
size: {
sizeType: "RESPONSIVE",
aspectRatio: "1:1"

The VP Player will then automatically adjust the size of the player to maintain this aspect ratio as the size of the container element changes.