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VP Player offers possibilities to add configuration and . The config object has several properties that allow you to customize the appearance of the player. Here is a brief overview of each property:


The float property in the VP Player configuration allows you to enable a floating version of the player that can be displayed on top of other content on the page. Here is a brief overview of each property in the float object, with additional comments provided:

  • state: This property controls whether the floating version of the player is enabled or disabled. Set it to true to enable the floating player, or false to disable it.
  • onMobile: This property controls whether the floating version of the player is enabled or disabled on mobile devices. Set it to true to enable the floating player on mobile devices, or false to disable it.
  • position: This property controls where the floating player is displayed on the page. Possible values include "BOTTOM_RIGHT", "BOTTOM_LEFT", "TOP_RIGHT", and "TOP_LEFT".
  • dismissible: This property controls whether the floating player has a close button that allows the user to dismiss it. Set it to true to enable the close button, or false to disable it.
  • requiresInteraction: This property controls whether the player needs interaction (e.g., mouse movement or touch input) to go into floating mode. Set it to true to require interaction, or false to allow the player to go into floating mode without interaction.
  • toVideoThreshold: This property specifies the threshold at which the player will return to the normal (non-floating) video state. It is a value between 0 and 1, where 0 means the player will return to the normal state as soon as the user moves the mouse away from the player, and 1 means the player will remain in the floating state until the user explicitly dismisses it.
  • toFloatThreshold: This property specifies the threshold at which the player will go into floating mode. It is a value between 0 and 1, where 0 means the player will go into floating mode as soon as the user moves the mouse over the player, and 1 means the player will remain in the normal state until the user explicitly activates the floating mode.
  • style: This property allows you to customize the appearance of the floating player. The width property specifies the width of the player in pixels, and the border property specifies the color of the border around the player.
video: {
file: "the_video_file_path"
config: {
float: {
state: true,
onMobile: false,
position: "BOTTOM_RIGHT",
dismissible: true,
requiresInteraction: false,
toVideoThreshold: 0.35,
toFloatThreshold: 0.2,
style: {
width: 272,
border: "#fff",
float ObjectAn object that specifies the properties of floating.
state BooleanSpecifies the state of float. By default is false.
onMobile BooleanSpecifies if float should be activated when player is opened on mobile devices.
positionstringSpecifies the position of floating player. It has 4 values: bottomLeft, bottomRight, upperLeft, upperRight.
dismissible BooleanDetermines if the user can dissmiss the floating player.
toFloatThreshold intThis integer represents the viewport height percentage of when the video will go to the float state (values from 0-1).
toVideoThreshold intThis integer represents the viewport height percentage the video needs to be in order to escape the float state (values 0-1).
style ObjectStyling attributes about the floating player.
width NumberSpecifies the width of the floating player.
borderstringConfigures the color of the border.
requiresInteraction BooleanSpeceifies if the player needs use interaction in order to be considered for floating.

To specify a specific position for the floating container, you can create a custom <div> element with an id of vp-floating-container.


The controls property in the VP Player configuration allows you to enable or disable various player controls that are displayed in the control bar. Here is a brief overview of each property in the controlsobject, with additional comments provided:

  • settingsButton: This property controls whether the settings button is displayed in the control bar. The settings button allows the user to access options such as video quality, speed control, and subtitles. Set it to true to enable the settings button, or false to disable it.
  • chromecastButton: This property controls whether the Chromecast button is displayed in the control bar. The Chromecast button allows the user to cast the video to a Chromecast device. Set it to true to enable the Chromecast button, or false to disable it. Note that the button will only be displayed if a Chromecast device is available.
  • nextButton: This property controls whether the next button is displayed in the control bar. The next button will play the next video in the playlist, or trigger the vp-next event if no playlist is available. Set it to true to enable the next button, or false to disable it.
  • fullscreenButton: This property controls whether the fullscreen button is displayed in the control bar. The fullscreen button allows the user to toggle fullscreen mode on and off. Set it to true to enable the fullscreen button, or false to disable it.
  • airplayButton: This property controls whether the AirPlay button is displayed in the control bar. The AirPlay button allows the user to cast the video to an Apple TV or other AirPlay-compatible device. Set it to true to enable the AirPlay button, or false to disable it.
  • bigPlayButton: This property controls whether the big play button is displayed in the control bar. The big play button is a large button that calls attention to the player and allows the user to start playing the video. Set it to true to enable the big play button, or false to disable it.
  • autopausePlayButton: This property controls whether the autopause play button is displayed in the control bar. The autopause play button is a special version of the play button that is displayed when the video is paused due to the player's autopause feature. Set it to true to enable the autopause play button, or false to disable it.
  • pictureInPictureButton: This property controls whether the picture-in-picture button is displayed in the control bar. The picture-in-picture button allows the user to play the video in a separate, floating window that can be positioned over other content on the page. Set it to true to enable the picture-in-picture button, or false to disable it.
  • relatedButton: This property controls whether the related button is displayed in the control bar. The related button allows the user to access a playlist of related videos. Set it to true to enable the related button, or false to disable it.
  • volumeButton: This property controls whether the volume button is displayed in the control bar. The volume button allows the user to adjust the volume of the video. Set it to true to enable the volume button, or false to disable it.
  • shareButton: This property controls whether the share button is displayed in the control bar. The share button allows the user to access options for sharing the video on social media or via a link. Set it to true to enable the share button, or false to disable it.
video: {
file: "the_video_file_path"
config: {
controls: {
settingsButton: true,
chromecastButton: false,
nextButton: true,
fullscreenButton: true,
airplayButton: true,
bigPlayButton: true,
autopausePlayButton: false,
pictureInPictureButton: true,
relatedButton: true,
volumeButton: true,
shareButton: true,
controls ObjectObject with keys that specify which control buttons should appear in the UI.
theaterButton BooleanConfigures the property that the player uses to determine if it should request theater mode on init.
settingsButton BooleanDetermines whether the settings button is shown.
chromecastButton BooleanDetermines whether the cast button is shown.
nextButton BooleanSpecifies whetther the next button is shown.
fullscreenButton BooleanSpecifies whether the fullscreen button is shown.
airplayButton BooleanSpecifies whether the airplay button is shown.

The logo property in the VP Player configuration allows you to display a logo in the player. Here is a brief overview of each property in the logo object, with additional comments provided:

  • state: This property controls whether the logo feature is enabled or disabled. Set it to true to enable the logo, or false to disable it.
  • file: This property specifies the path to the logo file. The file should be a PNG or SVG image.
  • position: This property specifies the position of the logo in the player. Possible values are TOP_RIGHT, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, and CONTROL_BAR.
  • defaultOpacity: This property specifies the default (active) opacity of the logo. The value should be a number between 0 and 1, with 0 being completely transparent and 1 being completely opaque.
  • inactiveOpacity: This property specifies the inactive opacity of the logo. The value should be a number between 0 and 1, with 0 being completely transparent and 1 being completely opaque. The inactive opacity is used when the player is in fullscreen mode or when the controls are not displayed.
  • onClickURL: This property specifies a URL that will be opened when the logo is clicked. If no URL is specified, the logo will not be clickable.
video: {
file: "the_video_file_path"
config: {
logo: {
state: false,
file: "the_logo_file_path",
position: "TOP_RIGHT",
defaultOpacity: 1,
inactiveOpacity: 0.5,
onClickURL: "the_url_when_cliekced",
logo ObjectAn object which holds the properties of the logo.
file stringLink to the logo which will be displayed.
positon stringSpecifies the position of the logo, (TOP-RIGHT, TOP-LEFT, BOTTOM-RIGHT, BOTTOM-LEFT).
defaultOpacity NumberValue range: 1-0, determines the opacity of the logo when its active.
inactiveOpacity NumberValue range: 1-0, determines the opacity of the logo when its inactive.
onclickURL stringSpecifies the link to go to when the logo is clicked.


The skin property in the VP Player configuration allows you to customize the look and feel of the player. It consists of four main sections: controlBar, menus, nextVideo, and playlist.

The controlBar object in the configuration is used to customize the appearance of the control bar of the video player. The control bar is the bar that typically appears at the bottom of the player and contains buttons for controlling the video, such as play/pause, fullscreen, volume, and more.

Here are the properties that can be customized in the controlBar object:

  • background: This property specifies the background color of the control bar. You can use a hexadecimal color code, a named color, or a RGB/RGBA value to specify the background color.
  • spread: This property determines the type of gradient to be used for the control bar background. The possible values are "solid" and "gradient". If "solid" is chosen, the control bar will have a solid color background. If "gradient" is chosen, the control bar will have a gradient background that transitions between two colors.
  • gradientMidPoint: This property is only applicable if the spread property is set to "gradient". It specifies the midpoint of the gradient, as a percentage value. For example, a value of 50 means that the gradient will transition from the start color to the end color at the midpoint of the control bar.
  • text: This property specifies the color of the text (such as the time displayed in the control bar) and icons in the control bar.
  • icons: This object allows you to customize the appearance of the icons in the control bar. The default property specifies the color of the icons when they are not being hovered over, and the hover property specifies the color of the icons when they are being hovered over.
  • timeslider: This object allows you to customize the appearance of the timeslider in the control bar. The timeslider is the bar that shows the progress of the video and allows the user to seek to a different point in the video by dragging the cursor. The progress property specifies the color of the portion of the timeslider that represents the portion of the video that has been played. The rail property specifies the color of the entire timeslider. The buffer property specifies the color of the portion of the timeslider that represents the portion of the video that has been loaded but not yet played. The dragger property specifies the color of the cursor that can be dragged to seek to a different point in the video.
  • timesliderOnAd: This object has the same properties as the timeslider object, but they are applied to the timeslider when an ad is being played.
  • volume property allows you to customize the appearance of the volume control in the control bar of the player. It includes the following properties: dragger: the color of the volume slider handle, progress: the color of the volume level indicator, rail: the color of the volume slider track, notifier: the color of the volume notification (e.g., the volume percentage that appears when adjusting the volume).

The menus property of the skin configuration object is used to customize the appearance of the menus in the video player.

  • background: This property is an object that allows you to customize the background color of the menus. The default field sets the default color of the background, while the hover field sets the color when the menu is hovered over by the mouse.
  • links: This property is an object that allows you to customize the color of the links in the menus. The default field sets the default color of the links, while the hover field sets the color when the link is hovered over by the mouse.
  • autoplay: This property is an object that allows you to customize the color of the autoplay toggle in the menus. The autoplayOn field sets the color when autoplay is enabled, while the autoplayOff field sets the color when autoplay is disabled.

The nextVideo object in the skin configuration object allows you to customize the appearance of the next video popup that appears when a video ends and the player is set to automatically play the next video in a playlist.

  • background: property specifies the background color of the popup. The text property specifies the color of the text within the popup.
  • timeslider: object within nextVideo allows you to customize the appearance of the timeslider within the popup. The rail property specifies the color of the entire timeslider, while the progress property specifies the color of the portion of the timeslider that represents the progress of the next video that is being previewed.
  • icons object within nextVideo allows you to customize the appearance of the play and close icons within the popup. The play object has default and hover properties that allow you to specify the color of the play icon when it is not being hovered over and when it is being hovered over, respectively. The close property specifies the color of the close icon.

The playlist property in the skin object allows you to customize the appearance of the playlist, which is typically displayed in a separate window or panel within the video player.

The playlist property has the following sub-properties:

  • background: This property specifies the background color of the playlist. It should be a valid CSS color value, such as a hexadecimal color code or a color keyword.
  • text: This property specifies the color of the text within the playlist. It should be a valid CSS color value.
  • icons: This property allows you to customize the appearance of the icons in the playlist. It has two sub-properties:
    • arrows: This property allows you to customize the appearance of the arrow icons that are used to navigate through the playlist. It has two sub-properties:
      • active: This property specifies the color of the arrow icons when they are being hovered over or clicked on. It should be a valid CSS color value.
      • inactive: This property specifies the color of the arrow icons when they are not being hovered over or clicked on. It should be a valid CSS color value.
    • close: This property specifies the color of the close icon that is used to close the playlist. It should be a valid CSS color value.
  • card: This property allows you to customize the appearance of the cards that are used to display the individual videos in the playlist. It has the following sub-properties:
    • background: This property specifies the background color of the cards. It should be a valid CSS color value.
    • title: This property specifies the color of the title text within the cards. It should be a valid CSS color value.
    • duration: This property allows you to customize the appearance of the duration text within the cards. It has two sub-properties:
      • text: This property specifies the color of the duration text. It should be a valid CSS color

Skin image


The image is desgined to help you understand exactly what each property is referring to in relation with the actual player itself.

skin ObjectObject that configures the color of each element in player.
controlBar ObjectObject that configures the color of elements in control bar.
background stringConfigures the color of the background.
text stringConfigures the color of the text.
icons ObjectSpecifies the color of icons for buttons in player such as Pause/Play, Volume and Settings button.
default stringThe default color of mentioned icons.
hover stringThe color when mouse is hovering over the icons.
timeSlider ObjectConfigures the color of the parts in player's seek bar.
progress stringColor of the part in seek bar that represents the watched video.
rail stringColor of the part in seek bar that represents the unbuffered part and also the unwatched part.
buffer stringColor of the part in seek bar that represents the buffered video.
dragger stringColor of the pointer in seek bar.
volume ObjectConfigures color of the seek bar that indicates the volume level.
dragger stringColor of the pointer in volume seek bar.
progress stringColor of the part in volume seek bar that represents the level of volume.
rail stringColor of the volume seek bar from the pointer to the end of volume seek bar.
notifier stringConfigures the color of the button that shows whether video is muted.
timeSliderOnAd ObjectConfigures the color of the parts in player's seek bar when ad is playing.
progress stringColor of the part in seek bar that represents the watched ad.
rail stringColor of the part in seek bar that represents the unbuffered part and also the unwatched part of the video.
dragger stringColor of the pointer in seek bar when ad is playing.
menus ObjectConfigures the links of Settings.
background ObjectConfigures the color of background.
defaultstringThe default color of the background.
hover stringColor when mouse is hovering over the menu background.
links ObjectLinks represent the options that are offered by the settings button : Autoplay, Quality and Subtitles.
default stringThe default color of the Options Autoplay, Quality also the color of dropdown options of them.
hover stringColor when mouse is hovering over text.
autoplay ObjectConfigures the color of the Autoplay toogle.
autoplayOn stringColor of toggle when Autoplay is on.
autoPlayOff stringColor of toggle when Autoplay is off.