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Api Keys

API Keys can be found under the Security section in the left navigation bar.

api keys

Create an API Key

  1. Click on create API Key and fill in the fields in the modal.

  2. Fill in the name for the API key.

  3. Select the role which has access to the project.

  4. Select the projects in VP Player which will be accessible with the created API Key.

  5. Set a start date.

  6. Set an end date if the API key will be expiring.

    create api key

  7. The created key will appear on the list.

    api keys list

Edit/Delete an API Key

  1. Go to API Keys page.

  2. Click on the three dots of the API Key and select Edit to make changes.

  3. Click on the three dots of the API Key and click Delete, to remove the API Key from the list.

    edit/delete api key

Use an API Key

  1. Go to the API Keys page.

  2. The created API Keys will be shown on the list.

  3. Click on Get API Key.

    get api key

  4. Click on Copy Key to get the credentials.

    copy api key