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Live Channels

Live Channels enable the connection to the Live Encoder and generate the RTMP Credentials that you can use on your broadcasting program. In the Live Channels Page you will find the list of all channels and their status.

live channels

You can create different types of channels based on the videos used for that channel.

The channel details include channel name and type, latency settings and logo.

The Channel Type is selected based on the content that will be distributed.

  • Standard Channel: Broadcast any event in real time.
  • Slow TV: Snapshots from live cameras which capture ordinary activities over a long period in real time. E.g. Live view of plane landings in Vaclav Havel Airport.

Latency is the delay between your camera capturing an event and the event being displayed to viewers. If the channel you are creating is Standard, you need to select the latency settings. If the channel created is Slow TV, there will be predefined latency settings that you will not be able to change.

  • Normal: Delay of 12-20 seconds. The audience can seek back up to 40 seconds.
  • Low: Delay of 12-20 seconds. The audience can seek back up to 20
  • Ultra Low Latency: Delay of 6-8 seconds. The audience can seek back up to 4 hours.
  • SlowTV: Delay of 12-20 seconds. The audience can seek back up to 2.6 hours.

Create a new Live Channel

To create a new channel follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Livestream section on the dashboard navigation bar.
  2. Click on Live Channels.

live channels side

  1. Click on the Create New Channel button.

create channel

  1. Write a name for your channel.
  2. Select a type of channel:
    1. Standard
    2. Slow TV
  3. Select the latency for the standard channel:
    1. Normal
    2. Low
  4. Upload a logo for your channel.
  5. Click Create.

create channel

  1. The created channel should appear in the Live Channels listing page.

    channel table

Live Channel Details

Once the Live Channel is created, it can be connected to any streaming software (e.g. OBS). Within the channel details, you can view and update the information such as the name and logo of the channel. You can also see the Live Preview of the channel and its status and health. Below the Live Preview of the channel, you can view and copy the channel’s RTMP Credentials.

channel details

How to connect a Live Channel to a streaming software?

  1. Go to Live Channels and click on the channel you have created.
  2. Below the video preview, you can find the RTMP credentials that will be used to connect your streaming software to VP Player.

channel rtmp

  1. After you have copied the RTMP credentials to the corresponding streaming software, click on Start Streaming.

  2. Refresh the Live Channel page. You should be able to see the preview of the video that is currently being streamed.

    channel preview

  3. The status of the Live Channel will change from Offline to Processing.

channel processing

  1. The status of the Live Channel while live streaming will always be Processing.

Statuses of the Live Channel

The statuses that a Live Channel can have are:

  1. Offline
  2. Processing
  3. Interrupted

The Offline status is shown when the channel is created for the first time or if the streaming software has stopped streaming.

The Processing status is shown when the channel is connected to the streaming software, has started streaming and the Live Video connected to the channel is live.

The Interrupted status is shown when the channel was streaming but the streaming software has for some reason stopped streaming.