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Custom Reports

With VP Player, users can create customized reports to analyze the performance of their content. Generate personalized reports by selecting date ranges, filters, and specific metrics of interest. This enables users to gain deeper insights into viewer behavior and platform performance.

Create Custom Report

  1. Click on Custom Report on the left navigation bar.

    custom report

  2. Click on Create New Custom Report button.

    custom report list

  3. Write the Report Title

  4. Select a Date Range for the report.

    custom report edit page

  5. Choose the Metrics that should be included in the report.

    custom report edit page1

  6. Optionally, choose the grouping of the data.

    custom report edit page2

  7. Add filters to the report. Filters help you find the data within the report easily. E.g Filter videos by their video ID.

    custom report edit

  8. Click on Create button and be patient. The generation of graphs will take some time.

  9. The created report will appear on the list.

    new custom report create

  10. Click on the report name to view the graph and metrics.

    view custom report

  11. The Custom Report can be exported as a JSON file.

    get json file

    copy json file

Edit/Delete Custom Report

  1. Go to the Custom Reports page.
  2. Click on the three dots beside the selected report and click on Delete, to remove the report from the list.
  3. Click on the three dots beside the selected report and click on Edit to make changes to the report.

edit or delete custom report