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The Webhooks tab enables users to create and manage Webhooks for videos, players, ad shcedules, live videos, live channels, audios, audio players, vertical players, plylists or podcasts.

Webhooks are automated notifications sent via HTTP POST requests, informing subscribers about specific events in VP Player (e.g., video deletion or update). Subscribers can then act accordingly based on the event details.

Create a Webhook

  • Navigate to Properties in the left navigation bar.
  • Go to the Webhooks tab.
  • Click "Create New" button.

create new webhook

  • Provide a title and optional description.

webhook popup

  • Paste the webhook URL.
  • Click "Create" button
  • Add filters by clicking the “+” icon and confirm with Done.

webhook filters

Edit/Delete a Webhook

  • Go to the Webhooks tab in Project Settings.
  • Click on the three dots beside the webhook’s name.

edit webhooks

  • Choose Edit to modify the Name, Description, or URL.
  • Select Webhook Filters to add/remove filters.
  • Click Delete to remove the webhook from the project.