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Audio Player Management

Setting up Your Audio Player

Setup Page

  1. Player Name: Provide a unique name for your audio player.

  2. Player Version: Select the player's version from the dropdown list. This list includes the latest version and any updates with bug fixes or new features.

  3. Player Type: Choose between two player types:

    • Mini Thumbnail Player: Positioned on the left side of the player.
    • Thumbnail Player: Positioned in the middle of the player. player type
  4. Player Size: By default, the player size is set to 100%. Ensure that the "Player Size" field contains a value of 40 or more. The player is responsive and adjusts to different screen sizes.

audio player

Advanced Settings

Configure advanced settings for your audio player:

AutoplayEnabled by default, this setting automatically starts playback when the player loads.
Pause Other AudiosEnabled by default, this setting pauses other audio playback when this player begins.

Autostart Options

Autostart on ViewableSpecify whether the player should start automatically when it becomes viewable.
On MobileDetermine if autoplay should be enabled on mobile devices.
On DataControl autoplay behavior when using mobile data.
Percentage ViewableDefine the viewability threshold for autoplay.
Autopause on ViewablePause playback when the player becomes viewable.

Jump Back After Midroll

Specify the maximum allowed jump-back time, which should be 5 seconds or less.

jump back on audio

Playback Section

Customize playback options:

Loop ContentChoose whether the audio content should loop continuously.
Float on ScrollEnable or disable the player's floating behavior while scrolling.

Float Position

Select the player's default floating position:

float position


Configure social sharing options:

  • Sharing Networks Customize which social networks appear in the sharing menu, accessible via an icon in the control bar.


This section likely pertains to the ability to cast or stream audio to other devices, but specific details may vary based on your platform's capabilities.

Customize Page

Display Options

Customize the display options to control what elements appear on your audio player:

Show ThumbnailEnabled by defaultDisplays a thumbnail image for your audio content.
Show Volume ButtonEnabled by defaultShows a button to control the volume.
Show Next/Back ButtonEnabled by defaultAllows users to navigate between tracks.
Show +- 15 Sec ButtonEnabled by defaultEnables users to skip forward or backward by 15 seconds.
Show 3 Dots ButtonEnabled by defaultTypically opens a menu with additional options.
Show Playback RateEnabled by defaultDisplays the playback rate controls.
Show Airplay ButtonEnabled by defaultAllows users to cast the audio to other devices.
Show Playlist ButtonEnabled by defaultProvides access to the playlist.


The customization of colors in the audio player is divided into three parts:

1. Background

ColorChoose the primary color for the player's background.
Border ColorCustomize the color of the player's border.
Border WidthAdjust the width of the border.

If you opt for an image background:

Image URLUpload the URL of the image you want to use.
Use Thumbnail ImageToggle this button to use a thumbnail version of the image.
Add Blur EffectEnable this toggle for a blurred background effect.

For a gradient background:

Primary ColorChoose the primary color for the gradient.
Secondary ColorDefine the secondary color.
Gradient DirectionSelect the direction of the gradient (horizontal or vertical).
Border ColorCustomize the border color.
Border WidthAdjust the border width.

2. Menus

Customize the colors of menus, including the dropdown list shown when clicking on the three dots:

Menu ColorSet the color for the menu background.
Text ColorsDefine the text colors within the menu.
Toggle Button ColorsSpecify the colors of toggle buttons when in the on and off states.

3. Elements

Fine-tune the appearance of various elements in the audio player:

Primary ColorDefine the primary color for the player's border.
Secondary ColorCustomize the secondary color of the menu border.
Button ColorsSpecify colors for playback, volume, skip, settings, next, and back buttons. The default is #FFFFFF (white).
Playlist ColorsCustomize the background color, buttons, and item progress within the playlist. The default is white.
Time Info ColorSet the color for time-related information.
Title ColorDefine the color of track titles.
Author ColorCustomize the color of the track's author.
Description ColorSpecify the color of the track descriptions.
Default TextSet the color for default text.
DividersCustomize the appearance of dividers.
SliderAdjust the color scheme for sliders.
Rail ColorDefine the color of the rail.
Progress Bar ColorCustomize the color of the progress bar.
Dragger ColorSet the color for draggers.
Toggle LogoEnable this button to change the player's logo.
Upload Custom LogoUpload a custom logo from your PC or via URL.
Recommended DimensionsFor optimal appearance, logos should have a height of 44px when placed in the control bar and 60px elsewhere.

Advertising Page

The advertising Page is currently under development and marked as "coming soon." This section of the user guide will be updated with detailed instructions and information regarding advertising features once they become available on the platform.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or need further information about the Advertising Page or any other aspect of the platform, please refer to our support resources or reach out to our customer support team for assistance. We are committed to providing you with the most up-to-date and helpful information once this feature is released. Thank you for your patience.

Localization Page

Language Settings

Customize the language settings for your audio player to cater to a global audience. Below are some of the key phrases that can be localized:

PlayTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Play."
PauseTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Pause."
NextTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Next."
ReplayTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Replay."
VolumeTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Volume."
MuteTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Mute."
UnmuteTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Unmute."
PlaybackSpeedTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Speed."
RelatedTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Playlist."
AirplayTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Airplay."
SettingsTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Settings."
AutoplayTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Autoplay."
NormalTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Normal."
QualityTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Quality."
OffTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Off."
OnTranslate this to the appropriate language for "On."
ShareTranslate this to the appropriate language for "Share Audio."

By customizing these language settings, you can make your audio player more accessible and user-friendly to speakers of various languages.


This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the Audio Player section within your platform, enabling you to create and customize audio players to meet your requirements. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please refer to your platform's support resources or contact our customer support team for personalized guidance.