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Importing a player

As long as a connection is established with VP Player, the user can import players through these steps:

  1. Go to Project Settings
  2. Go to the Imports page
  3. Click on the “New import” button
  4. Select a connection and a project from the connection
  5. On the media type field, select Video Players
  6. From the modal select the available player(s) and click “Next”

import player

  1. The imported player will be listed on the Players section

Embed player

An embed player would be the one that the user uses for embedding videos on a different page or a different website, and which can be different from the player that the users use in their own web application.

Native player

A native player is one the user would use on the web application they have built through VP Apps. If the user has imported multiple players but the user would like to choose one of them to be the native player they can do so.

Set a default player

A default player applies to all the media in the project. To set a default player, do the following:

  1. Go to the players page on the left navigation bar
  2. Click on the three dots of the chosen player
  3. Choose “Set default native” and “Set default embed”

default player


The user can set a different player for a media by going to the Players section in the media editing page.