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The notification section contains the interface for creating notifications and announcements for the platform users.

Notifications can be targeted to two types of users:

  1. All users will receive the notification as a toast message, and will not be saved on our database.
  2. Registered users will receive the notification in the notification bell on header.

To create a notification, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Notifications section from the left navigation menu.
  2. Click on “Create new”
  3. Enter a title for the notification. That is the title that the end users will see.
  4. Link this notification to a media or content by selecting the existing options on the dropdown menu.
  5. If you link the notification to a video, select the media by clicking on the box


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  1. If you would like to link the notification to a content, choose the group first and then the content

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  1. Select the audience
  2. Schedule the notification by enabling it and choosing the date and time

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Or simply click “Send by” to send the notification immediately without any scheduling.