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Release 2.0.12

Apr 19, 2024

The new release will include the upgrades, features, and issue fixes listed below:

  • Feature: Analytics endpoints with authorization
  • Feature: Add the ‘ProgressTillReadiness’ property
  • Feature: Update progress faster based on encoder response
  • Feature: Update RSS Feed option Users can update their podcast(s) by simply inserting an RSS link. Once added, the podcast will automatically update with new episodes and information from the provided feed.
  • Feature: Audio player - Default Embed Open Playlist VP users now have the option to embed the podcast with the playlist open.
  • FIX: Pre-live thumbnail is not statically showed If the user has uploaded a thumbnail but the livestream has not yet begun, the thumbnail will be displayed statically until the livestream starts.

These release notes provide an overview of the issue fixes and improvements in version 2.0.12. For more detailed technical information, refer to the documentation or accompanying resources.