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Release 2.0.24

Nov 14, 2024

The new release will include the upgrades, features, and issue fixes listed below:

  • Update: Contextual Playlists - Dynamic Tag Updates from Article Keywords

Added functionality for contextual playlists to update their tags based on article keywords. This ensures the system retrieves videos matching these tags, providing an updated and relevant playlist.

  • Feature: Localizations for Vertical Players

Localization support for buttons in vertical players is now available. Buttons will display text based on the input, offering a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

  • Feature: WebhookEvents for Vertical Player

Webhook events are now supported for the vertical player. This allows smooth integration and real-time updates based on player actions.

  • FIX: Add the validation for space at the propertyId and placementId

Validation has been added to ensure no spaces are allowed in the propertyId and placementId fields.

  • FIX: Price Cap Field Enhanced to Support Float Values with Two Decimal Places

The price cap field now accepts float values with up to two decimal places.


These release notes provide an overview of the issue fixes and improvements in version 2.0.24. For more detailed technical information, refer to the documentation or accompanying resources.