Release 2.0.2
Aug 22, 2023
The new release will include the upgrades, features, and issue fixes listed below:
- FEATURE: Partially completed assets are not being displayed in the assets endpoint
- Implemented a solution that ensures assets with a "Partially Completed" status are now correctly included when using the assets endpoint.
- FEATURE: Livestream Redundancy
- Through this feature you are in control of your livestream provider. Now, you have the flexibility to choose between VP Infrastructure and Amazon for your livestream. If you choose to continue with Amazon, you use their resources, including storage, LiveHub, and Live Channels. Once your video ends, all content hosted on Amazon is securely destroyed and seamlessly transferred to VP Infrastructure.
- FEATURE: Podcasts
- Create, manage, and deliver podcasts effortlessly on our platform. Utilize RSS links for seamless distribution and easily upload existing podcasts.
Video Player 2.0.2
UPGRADE: Speeding up the autoplay on mouse hover.
- Previously the mouse needed to hover for 2.5 seconds for the video to start, now it's 1s.
UPGRADE: Update the HLS version.
- The Hls module version has been updated
UPGRADE: Allow users to seek with mouse drag on live video.
- Changes were made so that the user can slide through the timeline on a live video, previously the user could only change the time with right/left arrow inputs.
UPGRADE: Changes made to the player UI on smaller screens and mobile.
- Changed button placement, sizing, and styling, changed floating player size and style, and improved animations.
UPGRADE: Video Locking API
- Added more flexibility to lock video content at any specific timestamp. This feature enables you to tease your audience with a preview and encourage them to pay to access the remaining content.
FIX: Video player, updating destroy API.
- Changes made to improve
- Changes made to improve
FIX: Better handling of keyboard shortcuts.
- Fixed issue where, if the user pressed “CTRL+F” or “CMD+F”, the player would handle the input as “F” input so it would request the video to go fullscreen. All keyboard inputs that use modifier keys (CTRL, CMD, ALT, OPT, SHIFT) are handled accordingly.
FIX: Recommended videos are not showing.
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect id was passed so the player could not show the correct recommended videos.
FIX: Changes made to how the loading screen and player custom screens are displayed.
- Fixed an issue when the loading screen isn’t shown in the middle of the screen on some devices.
FIX: The floating player is not working on Safari.
- Fixed an issue where an HLS API not supported by Safari was being called when the player was set to float.
FIX: Custom screens change on the live stream start.
- Fixed issue where “error” custom screen was being displayed and then quickly changing to “stream starting soon”, this confusion has been fixed.
These release notes provide an overview of the issue fixes and improvements included in version 2.0.2. For more detailed technical information, refer to the documentation or accompanying resources.