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Release 2.0.3

Sep 20, 2023

The new release will include the upgrades, features, and issue fixes listed below:

  • FEATURE: Instant Encoding - On the fly packager
    • We are thrilled to introduce a new feature in this release that enhances the video uploading and playback experience for our users. With this update, as soon as you initiate video encoding by uploading a video, you can make a request to the path assets\\{videoId}, and you will receive a playbackUrl property filled with a URL. This URL will be automatically playable for over 90% of videos, ensuring seamless playback.
    • A key improvement we've implemented is in response to user feedback. We are actively working on an update to prevent the system from responding with fly-playbackUrl if it's not supported for your specific video. This ensures that the playback experience remains optimal and tailored to your content.
    • However, it's important to note that this playbackUrl is designed for immediate use and should not be stored on your backend for extended periods. The URL will remain usable for the first 24 hours. In the near future, once you receive the complete webhook for a video, we will disable the on-the-fly URL. Therefore, we recommend incorporating the received URL promptly into your application or service to benefit from uninterrupted playback.

These release notes provide an overview of the issue fixes and improvements included in version 2.0.2. For more detailed technical information, refer to the documentation or accompanying resources.